Now this is a very important win, or is it? Even though the fine is not the original $300,000, he still has to pay a $55,000 for what? Does this imply he is guilty? I hope it is a win for food freedom.
The more I read the less I see this as a win. The judge has set a 'stay' and 'abeyance' meaning it can be reactivated, especially if the $55,000 is not paid. This appears to be just more government shakedown of ordinary citizens.
Earlier this year armed federal agents raided his property after 30 years of operation without harassment or notification. I never understood how federal regulations have any enforcement under law. A regulation is a policy set into place to regulate 'something'. It is not a legislative process and therefore is not lawful. Laws require the consent of the people through their legislature.
I agree. While it's good that the amount is reduced, it's still a shakedown, as you say.
When we get this election BS fraud eradicated and hopefully more social media freed from censorship, the fake news MSM propaganda outlets killed off entirely, perhaps then we can beat back these out-of-control government-affiliated thugs. It's going to take a while. I'm hoping Mr. Miller can get even his $55K and any lawyer's fees reimbursed to him.
It's no surprise the beasts are going after the Amish who generally mind their own business - they're a God-fearing people and beasts don't like those with strong faith.
It will take the people to stand up, en masse, to stop this crap. Further, our county sheriffs are SUPPOSED to be constitutional and would have protected these farmers from attacks from the federal turds. A sheriff can throw anyone out. We have the tools but the people are ignorant, to their detriment. LEARN.
This is a bigger win than it appears on the surface, and it exposes the unethical tactics of tyrannical bureaucrats.
I used to have Amish neighbors where I lived before. Some of them were my friends. These are not people who will be easily crushed from opposition. They have the same feelings the rest of us do, but their convictions run deeper than their emotions, and they know how to be self-sufficient on the land.
This is fabulous. Thank you Mr Miller for choosing to openly fight this overreach travesty.
A well regulated food system, being necessary to the public health, the right of the People to grow and sell food, shall not be infringed.
Hear, HEAR!!!
Now this is a very important win, or is it? Even though the fine is not the original $300,000, he still has to pay a $55,000 for what? Does this imply he is guilty? I hope it is a win for food freedom.
The more I read the less I see this as a win. The judge has set a 'stay' and 'abeyance' meaning it can be reactivated, especially if the $55,000 is not paid. This appears to be just more government shakedown of ordinary citizens.
Earlier this year armed federal agents raided his property after 30 years of operation without harassment or notification. I never understood how federal regulations have any enforcement under law. A regulation is a policy set into place to regulate 'something'. It is not a legislative process and therefore is not lawful. Laws require the consent of the people through their legislature.
I agree. While it's good that the amount is reduced, it's still a shakedown, as you say.
When we get this election BS fraud eradicated and hopefully more social media freed from censorship, the fake news MSM propaganda outlets killed off entirely, perhaps then we can beat back these out-of-control government-affiliated thugs. It's going to take a while. I'm hoping Mr. Miller can get even his $55K and any lawyer's fees reimbursed to him.
It's no surprise the beasts are going after the Amish who generally mind their own business - they're a God-fearing people and beasts don't like those with strong faith.
Excellent point. This needs to be wiped clean.
I found it really insane when I read that people were not allowed to sell raw milk. Crazy town.
It will take the people to stand up, en masse, to stop this crap. Further, our county sheriffs are SUPPOSED to be constitutional and would have protected these farmers from attacks from the federal turds. A sheriff can throw anyone out. We have the tools but the people are ignorant, to their detriment. LEARN.
...sadly true....
This should have never been an issue. It's just one more way our gov actors are serving the cabal.
“The top 9 most terrifying words in the English Language are: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.”
Ronald Reagan
Yes....don't we know it!
This is a bigger win than it appears on the surface, and it exposes the unethical tactics of tyrannical bureaucrats.
I used to have Amish neighbors where I lived before. Some of them were my friends. These are not people who will be easily crushed from opposition. They have the same feelings the rest of us do, but their convictions run deeper than their emotions, and they know how to be self-sufficient on the land.
...absolute ironclad truth...
Cuz a country boy will survive!