I recently had a minor surgery where they wanted me to sign a waver for blood products should I need it. I said no I wont sign that, unless it’s unvaccinated blood!
Who is demanding unvaxxed blood? Unvaxxed people or vaxxed people? If it's unvaxxed people how can the demand be high if the number of unvaxxed people is low as we are told.
You know what's coming, it's going to be compulsory blood donation by the unvaxxed "FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD". It's the blood-bag scenario from Mad Max Fury Road.
The same people who were frightened enough to lose their humanity and wanted the unvaxxed excluded from society will be frightened enough to call for compulsory blood extraction from the vaxxed under penalty of exclusion from society if you do not.
Past proves future. It's a trajectory of ever-worsening, ever more de-humanising, ever more tyrannical abuse.
FTA: another of their arguments is, “If there were a safety signal from using vaccinated blood for transfusions, it would have surfaced by now.”
This argument is specious. There are all kinds of safety signals about damage the jabs cause, and which are being summarily ignored.
Behind a paywall.
Here's an archived copy: https://archive.ph/O401D
Thank you kindly fren! About the only thing I don't like about the epoch times.
I recently had a minor surgery where they wanted me to sign a waver for blood products should I need it. I said no I wont sign that, unless it’s unvaccinated blood!
Well I would say that was a good decision to make.
Lol absolutely!
Who is demanding unvaxxed blood? Unvaxxed people or vaxxed people? If it's unvaxxed people how can the demand be high if the number of unvaxxed people is low as we are told.
Those questions are too logical for liberal crybabies.
There are approx. 80 million un-injected people in the US. Another 160 million stopped after the first injection.
That leaves approx. 70 million getting multiple injections, with the number shrinking further with each new booster.
That is why the DS/cabal has switched to mRNA for all other types of vaccines, flu shots, and so on.
I wonder how much O negative un-vaxxed blood is going for? I could use a few extra bucks!
Same here. O negative is the universal blood type that can be used by everyone.
A Pos?
I have the rarest type, pureblood, $100k a pint, suckas!
1000 dollars a pint Type O!!!!!! 😃
Mine now cost five ounces of gold bullion.
There needs to be a way for us to donate our blood anonymously.
I want to price gouge for my blood! Capitalism!! Supply and Demand! Just kidding. That is terrible. Yeah, it's going to be intense.
My blood is free to anons in need.
You know what's coming, it's going to be compulsory blood donation by the unvaxxed "FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD". It's the blood-bag scenario from Mad Max Fury Road.
The same people who were frightened enough to lose their humanity and wanted the unvaxxed excluded from society will be frightened enough to call for compulsory blood extraction from the vaxxed under penalty of exclusion from society if you do not.
Past proves future. It's a trajectory of ever-worsening, ever more de-humanising, ever more tyrannical abuse.
You can have some of mine, $50,000/pint lol