Well, we have been wondering what the long term effects of the injections would be. We are starting to find out. It is bad, and does not appear to be reversible. No treatment protocol can fix this.
Those that got the injections are screwed. The more injections, the worse the effects. Read the articles for more details.
I’m right here with you. I stand to lose just about every single person I love. If this happens on a mass scale the world will be deeply and utterly traumatized beyond repair. I pray desperately that this doesn’t happen.
Yeah and the people will turn on the white hats too. They will not accept that there was no better way.
We don't know what white hats know via looking glass, etc. Coddling the human lemmings is not sustainable- likely the entire earth population would have died off if we continued on our path (not allowing people to use critical thinking, etc.). No other species survives by coddling their weak. Q said it had to be this way. This is war and I'm sure WHs did everything possible to minimize the casualties in innumerable probable scenarios. Again, we don't know what they know and foresaw.
Very true it just gets frustrating as hell sometimes
I've been warning about this, and getting punished, for years. When people figure it out, the bad guys won't be the only ones that can't walk down the street.
They left the genocidal maniacs alive and left us to die. Not good optics, Q. Do you have an answer or will you continue to hide?
I have people who have died already, and more to come. I won't be buying Q a beer.