posted ago by TheFuglyAmerican ago by TheFuglyAmerican +39 / -0

I bought my adult son a Christmas present this year that made me uncomfortable even purchasing it because by adding a soldered connection or two on the circuit board it becomes a felony to possess.

As a white hat tool for detection of other nearby bad actors or man in middle pineapple attacks it is quite useful.

Within 4 minutes of him owning and using it we found a nearby law enforcement operation, that was illegally sniffing packets on everyone within a large condominium complex.

Law enforcement routinely breaks the law to spy on you but if you do anything remotely similar it is a class G felony for you.

So keep talking shit on your cell phones and keep believing your VPN keeps your packets unsniffed.

We have no privacy and the government could give two shits about your constitutional rights. They are above the law and you are below their feet as far as they are concerned.

Happy New Year!