Politiskep3 4 points ago +5 / -1

He's been swatted several times and he's an old dude who lives by himself with pets in the panhandle of Florida. It wouldn't be hard to get to him, even without blackmail.

Politiskep3 10 points ago +12 / -2

I still think this is theater. Texas will lose the battle regarding who controls the border with Mexico, state or federal government. That sets things up so that when Trump is president and California tries to unilaterally open the border with Mexico on their side, federal authority can put a stop to it.

Politiskep3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that maybe initially they were like that, but then when Trump got in in '16 they did a major reallocation of resources. Owens, Alex Jones, and a whole host of other hangers-on did nothing but parrot Trump as hard as they could for a few years, all (I think) in the hopes of stealing some of the loyalty so that the movement weakened when they turned on him. Almost all of these e-celeb types do it, and it makes the less savvy MAGA supporters have doubts.

Politiskep3 6 points ago +6 / -0

Before Candice Owens took on a role as a pundit she was going to be a gamergate personality a la Anita Sarkeesian. At the time, her goal was to advocate and create a company and software that "ends anonymity on the internet," making everything you post trackable back to your real life name, in order to stop the evil bad sexist Gamergate video game players who were making fun of Zoe Quinn. Then suddenly and magically she became a "leading" MAGA voice, only to turn on Trump at the drop of a hat. In my opinion she's nothing but a social engineer and I would not be the least surprised if she were connected to some sort of intelligence agency.

Politiskep3 2 points ago +2 / -0

The algorithms back in 2015-2016 did actually favor Clinton over Bernie Sanders in a noticeable manner as well as the Donald, as a former Bernie Bro I can attest that we were observing the same shareblue shenanigans and unfair algorithms that they used against Trump. I came to my senses regarding Bernie's policies vs. Trumps, as a disclaimer. But anyone who still supports Sanders, thinking that those algorithms were only targeting Sanders supporters, is an idiot.

Politiskep3 1 point ago +2 / -1

Unsurprising - they would have gotten their tentacles in deep there as soon as it was launched.

Politiskep3 11 points ago +11 / -0

Fuck the Mayo Clinic. I had a case of really bad covid and in the ICU they told me everybody who had been through without being injected had died, which was a LIE. They also continuously asked me to take fucking Remdesivir until I caved emotionally, and after two doses one of the few good doctors there took me off of it because it does not reduce ICU stays. When I asked about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin they treated me like a stupid animal and told me I was going to die if I didn't take the remdesivir. Three weeks after discharge one of their nurses slips up at a follow up visit and says "Good news, your kidneys are back to normal."

FUCK THEM. THEY CARE ABOUT MONEY, THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR PATIENTS. And their fucking ambulance service stole my $70 shoes. They have utter disdain for their patients. It is a shame what has happened to this place.

Politiskep3 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where is Jeb Bush working with DeSantis? I don't think you're wrong, Trump said Desantis is a globalist and I believe him - but I want to convince some of my normie Trump-supporter friends about this.

Politiskep3 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not going to be enough to save Ukraine, it's just prolonging the inevitable.

Politiskep3 21 points ago +21 / -0

This is the same pop atheism that was getting pushed by the Zeitgeist documentary and the new atheism movement in the early 00s. Biblical scholars do not give this any credence, and I'm including the atheist scholars such as Bart Ehrman. English puns and tenuous connections do not make Jesus=Krishna=Mitra, and the theory is not taken seriously by anyone except the NA movement- which is part of the Social Justice movement, by the way.

If you're interested in how Christianity's icons and mythos were influenced by other, previous religions, look up Sol Invictus and the manner in which Constantine turned Christianity into the state religion of Rome.

Speaking as someone who is entirely pragmatic about religion, you must understand that Christianity is the antidote to globohomo, and even Q encourages prayer.

Politiskep3 1 point ago +2 / -1

The antireligion/new atheism movement is the same as the Trust The Science movement of current year. Carlin was good at saying controversial things but he was both a celeb and a state-approved iconoclast. No way he'd be a Q supporter, he'd be calling us religious retards who need to get vaccinated, guaranteed.

Politiskep3 2 points ago +3 / -1

What is the device, and how do you solder it to make it a felony to possess? Asking for a friend.

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