All the boosted people I know are getting bad colds and a bad case of the flu constantly. I keep hearing something along the lines of they have been more sick this year then ever before.
No shit sherlock. It’s like watching a kid keep sticking a fork into an electric outlet. It’s so sad yet funny at the same time. I mean wtf frens. Clown town just keeps taking itself to the next level.
Yep. My husband's best friend and his wife are sick a few times every MONTH now, especially as we're entering the true cold and flu season. They're never not sick every time we talk to them. They bowed down to the vaxx out of fear and keep blaming the fact that they're always sick on their kids. I think that, deep down, they know the real reason, but they're afraid to admit it to themselves.
My daughter is a school teacher and recently had a bout with flu, or possibly covid (but she is a sheep, so probably got tested), and of course blamed it on "all the sick kids in school".
She should have kept up the 6 ft distancing.....tee hee
Yup, my sister is a teacher also and was sick Again recently and when she gets sick, she blames the kids. This last time she got sick she said she knew exactly when it happened, from a student that coughed in her face. And you know it's most likely true, they will get sick easier now that their immune systems are compromised, so someone coughing in their face (if said person is sick and not just a random cough) could make them sick because their immune system can't fight off the viral load anymore.