I picked my battles where I could, but one thing I never did was take the jab. Now, who knows if I was ever still "infected" with vaxx spikes due to any alleged "shedding" that we've been warned about, but I can safely say a needle will never be going anywhere near my body.
(((THEY))) can try whatever bullshit (((THEY))) want;
I will not be complying with any of it.
I picked my battles where I could, but one thing I never did was take the jab. Now, who knows if I was ever still "infected" with vaxx spikes due to any alleged "shedding" that we've been warned about, but I can safely say a needle will never be going anywhere near my body.
Long time with NAC here, I think I might be dead otherwise.
What is NAC?
NAC's a good idea, thanks. Do good doctors (like Frontline Doctors) say it helps with shedding & mRNA stuff?