Cates is right. We don't need the MSM to do jack $#+. And Rolling Stone today only showed us how delusional the ineffectual media is to believe that they can protect thier narrative by ridiculing us. It's clearly not working. The dam is bursting, and there's nothing they can do about it!

We just needed to reach the point where 100th monkey effect kicked in. We did.
Excellent point.
i feel that's exactly where we are now. We will see where it goes from here. fingers crossed for a good 2023.
Just think of Twitter + Substack as the critical mass. Twitter is the equivalent of broadcast news, pushing out notifications of events, etc. Substack has the articles that go into depth and provide the details. That is the model.
"Journalism" in the corp. media is dead. They are just political activists pushing their propaganda narratives. An increasing number of people have figured this out, and now get their news and information from other, more reliable sources.
This overall trend has already passed the tipping point, and cannot be reversed (imagine if corp. media decided to try to repair their destroyed credibility... would any of us ever go back? I don't think so).
What a great point. Then suddenly, WHAM, everyone will sort of be like, "Yeah, duh."
100th Monkey is proven to be BS, just sayin'