Did the same with an organically raised pig I bought as a piglet and harvested myself four years ago... Just used the last of the meat, but still have pounds of beautiful fat still perfectly sealed for mixing with a large amount of moose meat, if we can get one soon. If not, we do have an in for a good cow.
I vacuum seal my meat and get perfectly good meat after a year in the freezer. Not as good as fresh, but def not freezer burned.
Form a mutual assistance group. Neighbors defending neighbors. Get out of the cities. You don't want to be in an urban area for 2023.
Preppers of the world unite!
not to be a downer but if you have food and people are hungry… you won’t have any for long
That's why I have guns.
You don't exactly advertise and if you are s prepped you k ow you have to defend your shit.
1yr???? I just ate a roaster that I raised, killed and vac sealed 5yrs. ago. Tasted great, no freezer burn.
Did the same with an organically raised pig I bought as a piglet and harvested myself four years ago... Just used the last of the meat, but still have pounds of beautiful fat still perfectly sealed for mixing with a large amount of moose meat, if we can get one soon. If not, we do have an in for a good cow.