186 Jan. 6 committee withdraws subpoena to Donald Trump as it concludes its investigation. (media.greatawakening.win) 100% INSULATED posted 2 years ago by penisse 2 years ago by penisse +186 / -0 23 comments download share 23 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Well, that certainly is an interesting angle. They didn't have anything on him in order to make him come in and testify in order to get something on him.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it.
You missed the big part.
In 6 years investigating they come up with nothing. If they had anything he would have been stopped in 2016.
No one in history has ever been this scrutinized.
I saw other posts of yours since this one. They all have the same tone to them.
You are a leftist shill infiltrator or a a three letter agency one.
Ok. Thanks for your help.