Some i do. All the evil lefty nasty ones that wished us dead for not getting jabbed, who wished we lost our jobs, wished us the be cut off from society, our children taken by the government. For those ones, yes, I absolutely do wish them dead. No fucks to give.
The level of brainwashing is hard to believe. Some people think they are always right and some of the vaccinated Lefties take it to the next level. Those were the kind who turned their neighbors in to the Nazis.
I remember a coworker belittling me talking smack about the vaxx going to turn him purple and his dingus was going to fall off. Just childish belittling me in the breakroom in front of others. Guss who's super quiet now and pretends his shit talking never happened. Yeah, I remember.
And the kid fuckers, perverts, mentally ill gender freaks, and corrupt politicians and corps. Fuck them all, unless they repent and apologize publicly.
Im ok with the normies who took the jabs and weren't nasty. They can live with the constant reminders of why you never trust your government and why there must be accountability. They will be a great ally as we hold these fuckers accountable. The rest of the nasty commie left, the ones who wished us dead. Fuck them. They can drop dead.
I do feel sad for the gullible masses yes...but the mockers are a different story.
The longer those mockers live in their vaxx-affected state, the longer of an anti-vaxx advocate they all become..willingly or not.
Some i do. All the evil lefty nasty ones that wished us dead for not getting jabbed, who wished we lost our jobs, wished us the be cut off from society, our children taken by the government. For those ones, yes, I absolutely do wish them dead. No fucks to give.
The level of brainwashing is hard to believe. Some people think they are always right and some of the vaccinated Lefties take it to the next level. Those were the kind who turned their neighbors in to the Nazis.
I remember a coworker belittling me talking smack about the vaxx going to turn him purple and his dingus was going to fall off. Just childish belittling me in the breakroom in front of others. Guss who's super quiet now and pretends his shit talking never happened. Yeah, I remember.
Maybe it fell off?
And the kid fuckers, perverts, mentally ill gender freaks, and corrupt politicians and corps. Fuck them all, unless they repent and apologize publicly.
I want those people live a looooong life with a sliding face, Myocarditis, itchy peeling skin and in excruciating pain.
Too much? kek
Im ok with the normies who took the jabs and weren't nasty. They can live with the constant reminders of why you never trust your government and why there must be accountability. They will be a great ally as we hold these fuckers accountable. The rest of the nasty commie left, the ones who wished us dead. Fuck them. They can drop dead.
That's the majority opinion I belive.
I do feel sad for the gullible masses yes...but the mockers are a different story. The longer those mockers live in their vaxx-affected state, the longer of an anti-vaxx advocate they all become..willingly or not.
we will all have our stories to tell on Judgement Day...and wont nobody be there to vouch for you
Why is that?
it will be a one on one like no other