I have decided that because keeping up with news, real, actual, truthful news, along with hearing the MSM propaganda, does nothing but make me angry, because I can't do anything about it. I have also realized that I won't be able to wake any normies up, especially since I am ghosted on twitter (and quit Facebook quite a while back, where any "normies" just blocked my posts anyway), so I have decided to quit watching/reading/seeing any "news", regardless of the source, and this includes GAW. I've enjoyed the discussions here, and if some real mass awakening occurs, I'll hear about it (and may then come back for the celebration). But for now, this is my last post (and I didn't even look at what the hot topics were today, or over the weekend). I wish you all well (except for the FBI and other assholes who visit here). Hopefully the mass awakening will occur soon, and then I'll be back. I won't check for the replies to this post. Happy New Year to everyone, and best wishes to all (almost all; see previous note :) until we meet again!
New Year's Resolution: No news (and that means no GAW)
Everybody out!
I’ve decided the same thing. Now I know patriots are in control and I’ve been part of this movement the last 6 years, and conspiracy theories before that. I can be at peace knowing that I can focus on real life goals, while not foreboding that none of what I do matters because we’re all heading into a dystopian future of pure evil.
I’m reading this book Smart Phone Dumb Phone by Allen Carr. I used his easy way to quit smoking book after 18 years of smoking and struggling to quit, to now being smoke free for 12 days and it being stupidly easy. So I’m reading his other book (aforementioned) which is about digital addiction, and I want to disconnect now, enjoy my life, and not care what the latest progress is happening in the world. I’m sure I’ll find out when it all goes down for the normies.
Btw I don’t have much issues with digital addiction when it comes to social media as I deleted all of them a decade ago, but I’m defo an information addict, even with every progress in the movement, or watching YouTube videos. Time to relax, live in my happy bubble, and maybe take up reading books as my new hobby.
Up vote for Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. My last cigarette was in 2004. At that time, I too had been smoking for 18 years. Been nicotine free ever since. Good luck!
Thanks to both of you for the recommendation.
I have friends who smoke. Nice to know that I can suggest this for them.
If you haven't read this book yet, I suggest you do. The rest of my comment is for those who have read the book.
See what he's doing, he's challenging falsehoods. You can apply this to any problem you have. You have to write down your negative thoughts or what you're trying to overcome, allow those thoughts to manifest, write 'em down and THEN write down reasons why the thoughts are not true. Repetition is 100% most important.
Why are you a handshake account when you clearly have posts from a year ago?
I have no idea what the hell a handshake account is. But now you mention it I do see that icon next to my name, but only on those last 2 posts.
Handshake, as in when you meet someone new, you shake their hands.
Tells people you're new here.
I think there's also a minimum number of posts you have to make before you lose it.