Ever heard the term armchair expert? Thats what people here are, they think they know things but if they actually had proof or knowledge there would be real progress. We're a bunch of retards and pretending to be anything else makes us look like fools.
Cates is a critical thinker and he stays focused. That's exactly what we must do. Stay focused. Spread truth. Comfort. That's what we're supposed to do. We are the news and soon we'll be offering comfort and hope to the hopeless.
Wow Cates, bravo.
What a fucking genius.
It's almost like he lurks here to get his material
i dont care were he gets his info as long as ppl are getting info. thats the point!
i know. i get calls all the time-ppl wanting to know whats really going on.i give they the tools to find out.most of the time they dont
That's why we should remember that our posts and comments aren't just for our community but for people who may just be starting to ask questions.
They may be lurking; they may have stumbled on the site by accident.
Good to repost old news once in a while. They may not have seen it.
Youve shamaned out!
Ever heard the term armchair expert? Thats what people here are, they think they know things but if they actually had proof or knowledge there would be real progress. We're a bunch of retards and pretending to be anything else makes us look like fools.
You need moar training. You're doing it wrong.
Cates is a critical thinker and he stays focused. That's exactly what we must do. Stay focused. Spread truth. Comfort. That's what we're supposed to do. We are the news and soon we'll be offering comfort and hope to the hopeless.