HISTORY IN THE MAKING: The State of New California Holds Its 10th Constitutional Convention
The State of New California is holding its 10 Constitutional Convention starting tomorrow, January 12- 14, 2023. The State of New California is gearing up for statehood. This idea seemed strange until it was mentioned that it is following precedent. Th...
Watch CA?
I was skeptical this was actually going to happen, but “gearing up for statehood” makes it sound like a sure thing!
It's gateway pundit which equals BULLSHIT.
How in the hell can you even say that?
Could you explain, with facts and quotes, why TGP is bullshit?
Amy Coney Barrett is on house arrest just for one example. They are fake news like no other.
You're more than welcome to search for that 2021 article.
The burden of proof is on you.
I don't give a shit what you believe.
“Like no other” please no emotional responses mr Kwanzaa
Be consistent on fake news. Places like GP make us all look like fucking idiots.
Although I would love to see this happen, I don’t think the deep state and their allies would allow it. Northern California (where I live) has one of the most important natural resources (water) and Southern California is dependent on that natural resource to survive. Without Northern California’s water, Southern California is nothing more than on overpopulated desert.
Ah…I thought this was related to the “State of Jefferson” movement several years ago when they wanted a North/South split.
Everyone laughs at all of these efforts to split California, but at the end of the day, this is an inevitable question that needs to be addressed and will eventually be decided in some shape or form.
The New England area encompasses a smaller population than California, yet there are many more states that comprise it. The state lines drawn out of California were made.... in 1840, almost 200 years ago when the state had a population smaller than the city of New York. This has long been out of date and the needs of people in death valley, are significantly different than those of the Bay area, for example. Of course, Democrats and the deep state don't want to let go of their power, ever. They will fight to the death to ever let this happen. It means the end of their presidential ambitions and they know it. So they have to cheat and never let Replublicans back in ever again.
But where does the 51st star go on the flag?
I think there's something that says states must be added in pairs. So two stars to keep it even. ....something something Alaska and Hawaii together.
I'll dig into it and see if I can find out.
This need more attention. Excellent listen.