All these procedures are meant to sterilize and corrupt. To break apart any dependence on family, and make them dependent on the gov.
Anyone who gives their baby formula is destroying them for life. It's mainly soy and it's equivalent to 7? I believe, birth control pills a day, while they are drinking it.
One person I knew, never formed an opinion on their own, if I showed them direct evidence(like the pfizer side effect list), they literally said "I need to see what the news says about this." and wouldn't talk to me about it.
It was later I found out they were raised on formula, and I think that corrupts people's brains.
Yep yep.
All these procedures are meant to sterilize and corrupt. To break apart any dependence on family, and make them dependent on the gov.
Anyone who gives their baby formula is destroying them for life. It's mainly soy and it's equivalent to 7? I believe, birth control pills a day, while they are drinking it.
One person I knew, never formed an opinion on their own, if I showed them direct evidence(like the pfizer side effect list), they literally said "I need to see what the news says about this." and wouldn't talk to me about it.
It was later I found out they were raised on formula, and I think that corrupts people's brains.
My mother told me she was encouraged NOT to breastfeed. She didn't say why.
I didn't know enough to ask about it.
My guess is it's a way to reduce the parent-child bond and to encourage women to go into the workplace.
Very interesting observation.