Is Germany a Republic? This isnt coming from someone in America.
Not a Stew fan but he is exactly right here. The fact that the 5 billion worldwide that have been fooled into going along with the pedo death cults 'final solution' are getting sick and dying cant be kept hidden forever. At some point the knowledge of the genocide will reach critical mass and the perps will find themselves running from the mob. It is inevitable. There is no way to stop it short of armies of black shirts worldwide killing those they tried to murder in secret.
Is Germany a Republic? This isnt coming from someone in America.
Not a Stew fan but he is exactly right here. The fact that the 5 billion worldwide that have been fooled into going along with the pedo death cults 'final solution' are getting sick and dying cant be kept hidden forever. At some point the knowledge of the genocide will reach critical mass and the perps will find themselves running from the mob. It is inevitable. There is no way to stop it short of armies of black shirts worldwide killing those they tried to murder in secret.
Dangerous for THEIR democracy, mob rule and oppression of free citizens
Dangerous to the German Reich.