Martin Luther King, Jr. Statue Unveiled in Boston...Results are Bizarre
Image: Screenshot @pantskate/Twitter On Friday, a new sculpture was unveiled in Boston honoring the legacy of civil rights hero Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King in the lead up to Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday. The result, fro...
someone got way too much money to create a statue that looks like a headless woman carrying a large piece of poop. From another angle, looks a bit sexual. From another angle, looks like a giant dick. There's no way I could walk around with with my family and not be laughing until we cry
Yeah they screwed this up.
It’s terrible!
Some of the twit comments are hilarious.
Ummm, why are hands holding a giant turd, significant of MLK?
Gives "dropping kids at the pool" merit...
It's NOT A GIANT TURD. It is a giant black DICK. Feel better now?
Ahh. Communism.
Holy Shit it's Big Mikes PENIS u/#pleaseclap
I think it was last year or so New Orleans Dem politicians were excited to unveil a statue of a huge hair pick...I kid you not.
Ugly and disgusting on an artistic and visceral level.
Monuments and statues are ment to be beautiful and inspiring. This is neither by design
Reminded me of this: