205 Never forget The FBI interfered in a US Election (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by WestCelt 2 years ago by WestCelt +205 / -0 6 comments download share 6 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
MR. Anderson🐸
The CIA and its domestic subsidaries, including the FBI, "interfered in US electionS".
Random thoughts.
Project Mockingbird == A CIA Op to infiltrate media (in order to brainwash Americans) that was uncovered by the first Church Committee.
Mockingbird == blue bird
What's Twitter's logo?
Chosen as an inside joke, perhaps?
When Trump created a Twitter alternative, he chose a name that also started with the letter t; Truth.
Truths logo includes the color blue; a blue square.
When turned on its side, the blue square == a stylized drop of water dripping from the faucet of Truth.
Chosen as an inside joke, perhaps?
They ALL did...those Dirty Buggers!!!