Y'all remember our super-mod, u/Evspra? Got this modmail from him tonight, and, uh, I feel concerned for this angry kid. I dunno what mental space he's in, but, do you ever look at GAW's amazing site design and think how awesome it is? It was all him! He did so much for us! Poor kid...
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

Is covid Q related?
It is retarded to think that the earth is flat because gravity works equally in all directions around a heavy mass.
We also see the curvature of the earth on the oceans and over flat earth. Travel a bit overland or over oceans and it will become obvious, or should do at least.
I'm done and bored with this drama. Flat Earth is retarded bullshit.
Sure I agree with you. But why antagonize potential allies? The majority of people out there think this Q stuff is as much nonsense as flat earth.
Besides, why conflate flat earth with chemtrails? Those are two distinctly different things, and there is actual evidence to support the existence of chemtrails.
A ton of people here say we are the majority. Sometimes. Lol. Other times we are victims few and precious. Smarter than the majority, who are legion and sure to be dead soon anyways. Then, depending on the purpose of the post, we may be cheering that victory has already been had. Other times... Well, you know how it goes. Point I'm making? I can't remember. I'm tricking tired and should go to sleep. Just finished a 12 hr shift. Just a little more GAW. Lol. Be good people. Love eachother. I love you all.
Many people don't think for themselves and instead only follow others. They follow people they trust, this goes for people on all sides.
We have our own subset of people who haven't personally viewed all the Q stuff, don't understand the details of everything, and who are just following along with the general Q group think, or whatever is popular in the Q community.
The flat earthers are trying to break into communities like ours and spread their bullshit message to people who are often emotionally wrecked from coming to terms with the reality we're living in and all the deception going on. People who don't know who to trust and don't know what to believe any more.
I've seen this happen in local anti-vax communities that ended up in a fracturing of the whole community. Flat earthers wanted to talk about their beliefs, we told them we were an anti-vax community, they accused us of censorship and cancelling them, we explained we were an anti-vax community and weren't about the shape of the earth, they called us NAZI's and then fractured part of the group off.
Personally, I believe that the whole flat earth theory is pushed by 3 letter agencies to discredit the skeptical community. It's something they can point at and say "look how crazy these people are, they actually believe the earth is flat".
The earth is not flat. It is provably not flat. There is no point in tolerating flat earth pushers here.
Believe what you want, but it's not Q related and it doesn't belong on this board.
The same above goes for people pushing Chemtrails, often flat earthers also believe in chemtrails as well.
There's no clear cut evidence for chemtrails, at least as they believe it. Sure, there is cloud seeding and such, but it completely illogical for anyone to maliciously spray anything into the same air that we all breathe and the regulations around that are pretty huge. I'm open to the idea but the evidence had better be good.
Chemtrails Explained to the UN. Old video, before the term chemtrails was coined.
So following trusted others, like say.... SCienTisTs? 🤔😉