You win the Boob Prize. They exist, and have existed for a long time. (Maybe longer than you are old?) I have a print of a telemetered film photo taken from the first Lunar Orbiter mission in 1966. A complete Earth. Other such photos were taken from the Apollo missions. You can look them up on Google to your heart's content. Here's an example from the Apollo 17 mission, but there are many others.
We haven't obtained any raw photos since then because low Earth orbit is too low to see much of Earth. (Take a picture of your car...from a point of view 1 inch from a hubcap.) We have some photos from the Artemis I mission, if you want to look them up.
But what's your point? Photos are not necessary to prove the Earth is round. That was done 500 years ago by people who went AROUND the Earth. Can't get more definite than that.
There are no pictures of the entire earth from space. They don't exist.
You win the Boob Prize. They exist, and have existed for a long time. (Maybe longer than you are old?) I have a print of a telemetered film photo taken from the first Lunar Orbiter mission in 1966. A complete Earth. Other such photos were taken from the Apollo missions. You can look them up on Google to your heart's content. Here's an example from the Apollo 17 mission, but there are many others.
We haven't obtained any raw photos since then because low Earth orbit is too low to see much of Earth. (Take a picture of your car...from a point of view 1 inch from a hubcap.) We have some photos from the Artemis I mission, if you want to look them up.
But what's your point? Photos are not necessary to prove the Earth is round. That was done 500 years ago by people who went AROUND the Earth. Can't get more definite than that.
"That picture and that picture and that photograph and that etc are all fake so I will always be right, blasphemers."