Some of us get down from everything going on, not really dooming. I know I do, but I have a few things on my mind. I feel like I should take a vacation.
5 1/2 down; 2 1/2 to go. It's hard to stay on alert for 8 years. We do need breaks. Stress is bad for health. If you feel the effects, take a spa break or try a super healthy diet plus exercise and meditation if that appeals to you.
Some of us get down from everything going on, not really dooming. I know I do, but I have a few things on my mind. I feel like I should take a vacation.
It is important to take vacation ever once in a while.
"In making many books, there is no end, and much study wearies the body."
King Solomon
5 1/2 down; 2 1/2 to go. It's hard to stay on alert for 8 years. We do need breaks. Stress is bad for health. If you feel the effects, take a spa break or try a super healthy diet plus exercise and meditation if that appeals to you.
I'd rather go to some hotel for around a week and just do nothing, literally nothing.