Boy Meets World is a garbage show and this comes from someone who was once a huge fan of it in spite of it being trash.There are two or three truly great episodes though.
This guy and his Wonder Year brother definitely had their shit pushed in by (((Mickey Mouse))) execs. It's just cyclical abuse, posturing and nepotism at this point.
It really is a movie. Wow.
Boy Meets World is a garbage show and this comes from someone who was once a huge fan of it in spite of it being trash.There are two or three truly great episodes though.
Do good.
Senator Topanga anyone? 😃
Oh yeah
I guess Schiff and Ben knew each other intimately and he was groomed for this.
They say that most pedophiles were pedophiled when they were kids.
This guy and his Wonder Year brother definitely had their shit pushed in by (((Mickey Mouse))) execs. It's just cyclical abuse, posturing and nepotism at this point.
People need to start calling it what it is.
Probably no better than Schiff since he is from the Hollywood scene.
No more Democrats.... Or 'celebrity' politicians (except President Trump).