Answer: You publish a report in a respected journal with a title that leads readers to believe if you don’t take the vax, you are more likely to be involved in a auto accident that requires hospitalization.
On December 2, 2022 a study was published in the American Journal of Medicine that linked covid vaccine hesitancy to the risk of a traffic accident requiring emergency medical care. The study made headlines worldwide but in the details of the published report was a table (Table 1 Baseline Characteristics).
American Journal of Medicine report:
You’d want to get rid of confounding variables like age to compare apples to apples.
For instance you’d expect older folks to have gotten at least one shot compared to younger. But you’ll also expect them to more of these diseases being older. So you have to normalize for age groups to compare vaxxed vs unvaxxed for these diseases.
Exactly! I believe the authors of this study knew it was skewed because 50.8% of the unvaccinated were in the 18-39 age group (from same table in report). Younger drivers have higher insurance premiums because they are more likely to have accidents. This didn't stop the authors so it's not stopping me! Whats good for the goose...
It's sad that scientists feel afraid to publish true facts that their research has discovered... and can be severely punished or have careers ruined for publishing the truth...
... but propaganda spewing idiots are free to loudly say anything they want in any forum.
It is sad, and I hate to throw these scientists under the bus but damn it, the tide is changing. Its time for all scientists, doctors etc that are awake to come forward and announce loudly what they have known for a while. These shots are deadly and need to be stopped!
I have no source except a personal one. My primary physician was noticing that more than the usual, cases of vascular dementia are coming through their office.
My neurologist said something similar to me - that his patients with dementia were doing worse. This was about a year ago so we were not as far into the booster program and I do think the forced environmental isolation contributed to their state of health. But the fact he mentioned it at all was telling.
There are even more layers to the DMED story, including a big "glitch" in the database. See deep dive by Mathew Crawford, who also has a series of substacks.
Was looking through the local paper obits, quite a few of them. As I looked to see if I knew any of them, I saw one and it said "died suddenly". This is unusual as per usual, they just put where they died, at the such and such hospital, home, nursing home. I immediately told husband the family thought it was the jab otherwise it wouldn't put in like that.
The dementia stat is what makes me want to say that this is likely bad methodology - I think this is just saying people in nursing homes are to a large degree vaccinated
Answer: You publish a report in a respected journal with a title that leads readers to believe if you don’t take the vax, you are more likely to be involved in a auto accident that requires hospitalization.
On December 2, 2022 a study was published in the American Journal of Medicine that linked covid vaccine hesitancy to the risk of a traffic accident requiring emergency medical care. The study made headlines worldwide but in the details of the published report was a table (Table 1 Baseline Characteristics). American Journal of Medicine report:
These numbers remind me of the DMED report that was leaked last year. As you may recall, the DMED report showed a dramatic increase in various diseases after the vaccine was required for all US military personnel. For a quick refresher, watch this video:
thank you for the source
Makes sense. A certain percentage of auto accidents are cabal hits
The question I keep asking myself is what percentage of auto accidents are "died suddenly"
Did they compare by age groups?
You’d want to get rid of confounding variables like age to compare apples to apples.
For instance you’d expect older folks to have gotten at least one shot compared to younger. But you’ll also expect them to more of these diseases being older. So you have to normalize for age groups to compare vaxxed vs unvaxxed for these diseases.
Exactly! I believe the authors of this study knew it was skewed because 50.8% of the unvaccinated were in the 18-39 age group (from same table in report). Younger drivers have higher insurance premiums because they are more likely to have accidents. This didn't stop the authors so it's not stopping me! Whats good for the goose...
From what I recall they had data for accident study from earlier in roll out of vax. So yeah data is garbage because older we’re getting vax first
This. And yet these comparisons get brought up again and again.
Any sauce for the Ontario data?
Scroll down in the report to Table 1 Baseline Characteristics
It's sad that scientists feel afraid to publish true facts that their research has discovered... and can be severely punished or have careers ruined for publishing the truth...
... but propaganda spewing idiots are free to loudly say anything they want in any forum.
It is sad, and I hate to throw these scientists under the bus but damn it, the tide is changing. Its time for all scientists, doctors etc that are awake to come forward and announce loudly what they have known for a while. These shots are deadly and need to be stopped!
I have no source except a personal one. My primary physician was noticing that more than the usual, cases of vascular dementia are coming through their office.
My neurologist said something similar to me - that his patients with dementia were doing worse. This was about a year ago so we were not as far into the booster program and I do think the forced environmental isolation contributed to their state of health. But the fact he mentioned it at all was telling.
Nice find!
There are even more layers to the DMED story, including a big "glitch" in the database. See deep dive by Mathew Crawford, who also has a series of substacks.
Any anons have intel on govt contractor Unissant?
Some (not all) of this is due to the fact that over 25% of vxd patients were elderly and only 12% of unvxd patients were elderly.
Was looking through the local paper obits, quite a few of them. As I looked to see if I knew any of them, I saw one and it said "died suddenly". This is unusual as per usual, they just put where they died, at the such and such hospital, home, nursing home. I immediately told husband the family thought it was the jab otherwise it wouldn't put in like that.
The dementia stat is what makes me want to say that this is likely bad methodology - I think this is just saying people in nursing homes are to a large degree vaccinated
Check back in a year. Those numbers will jump dramatically.....