It has been my experience that how you manage your money is far more important than how much you earn. I had 2 years in my life that I'd earned more than 30k, but was able to retire early. Not by choice, I was unable to find full-time work and retired at 55, worked 2 years from 57-59 PT then moved abroad and built a house. Came back to the USA just before eligible for age 62 SS and to vote in 2020.
I of coarse earned money outside of working, but am a terrible businessman because I'm too concerned with being fair and the other side being happy.
After an injury, my ambulance chaser recommended I take the state aptitude testing and I did so. I have always been good at testing even though I dropped out of school at the start of 9th grade. So the state aptitude testing was 9-10 separate timed tests and I couldn't finish a single test and thought gee I'm dumb, not realising its not meant for you to Finnish them.
When I went back to get my results the councillor said I had 2 good career paths, one was computer programming, and the other was bank management. I understood and agreed with the programming, I'd bought and used computers more than a decade before. The bank management thing made me laugh, there I am looking like a hick, bad, skin, bad teeth, a lazy eye... I told the councillor that the next time a bank manager position opened let em know I'm available. The thing is, the tests don't show knowledge, they show ability or how you view things.
Often I pay bills ahead, and that can pay off... As an example I pay my rent 2 weeks early and that way its actually 6 weeks before due again. My credit score is at or above 800, and when I drove still I had 0% interest on one new car and .9% interest on another. My last property loan was an HELOC at 2.74 % guaranteed lowest rate available, no closing costs and a check for 200. I'd originally took out the loan for the 200 bucks.
I used that HELOC several times during its 10 year borrowing timeframe. Loaned out once at 14.57% holding a 7 year mortgage. Loaned out a portion at 18% on a 3 year loan. Bought a condo and got the Obama 10% rebate as well.
Anyways I'm not an expert on where to invest, but getting debt-free is a very good idea and after that start a business of some sort, even a micro business. Also if you have kids in government school you need to get them out! Private school or home school. All the laws being passed to teach Woke CRT and gay shit will not stop it. Generations will pass before school systems become normal, if they ever were. You only have to barely pass college and be a liberal and voila you have a job. Trade school and apprenticeships are the way to go these days.
God bless, and sorry for the rant.
With NESARA/GESARA weβll soon have all the money we need. Itβs close.
Interesting, I will read up on NESARA/GESARA I have a stack of credit cards.... Kek, might have to use them.
Don't waste too much time reading up, it's all a bunch of grifters selling hopium.
Yeah a lot of that on the .wins also a lot of speculation. Some people believe Trump is running things, but they have to show us. Or that they control the whole movie. I don't know if those are true, but are hopium. I always felt watching a movie was referring to all the fake stuff done by the cabal
Q (which is a team) is directing the movie. It's not hopium to say that the cabal will be defeated, but it is hopium to say they'll be defeated tomorrow. It's not hopium to say that the cabal's defeat will remove the leech from our necks, but it's going too far to say any particulars about what that means- like NESARA says we'll all receive $X.
I don't know what the Q plan is completely, but at this point there is nothing else and there has been a lot of amazing things. Breaking of Petro Dollar, forcing the cabal to release vax ahead of schedule. Musk via Twitter reveals, and more.
Q, should post more often, but there's a reason they aren't...
note: I had low end condos 3.5 at my height (The .5 was the mortgage I held) My most expensive was a 2 bedroom 2 bath with fireplace I paid 37,900 for and then got 3,790 Obama bucks back on. The next was the one I held the mortgage on was 30,000 but with all the closing costs to buy and sell, I sold for 31,500. Next was my first condo @25K, another in that complex at 18K, and another at 11k.
I was very small fry, I sold them all but the first leaving my renter and moving abroad. Guy rented from me for 11 years. I used the HELOC and built a house abroad and lived on the proceeds. Returned to USA in 2020 and sold that condo to someone who agreed to keep my renter. I own nothing in the USA and prices are too crazy now I'm 64, covid screwed me good. I have a modest sum in the bank and went back to work. So I don't have it going on anymore, but I'm ok with that.
Hey fren, thank you for the wonderful story. It was a pleasant first of the morning read.
We tend to live under our means. Yes, we have low interest auto and home loans. However, we also have the funds to pay everything off if necessary. The reason why we don't, is because our investments make better returns then what we are paying towards the loans. Have been to thinking of starting a small business or investing in one. It's just the current trends seem to have to much more risk compared to reward.
The schools systems are AIDS. Even with the private schools, how can you guarantee the parents aren't letting their kids become brainwashed by the trash found on TikTok and other like platforms? I feel that Homeschooling is the only way.
You seem to have a method of money management that works well. Hopefully there are more that can see this and escape the control of the banking institutions. One last thing, are you sure your not a bank manager?
People want ASAP and don't think about how long it took their older relatives to have things. For me payday was never a special day.
Living under your means is a great way to lead to be big debt free. Pay off everything you can as soon as you can. Pay extra on mortgages if you can. Forget the need for the next new shiny thing.
Yeah, I within your has worked well for us....we have NEVER been slaves to debt. What we had to spend was always predicated by how much we earned....with forethought and planning, anything is possible.
No apologies fren. Love the rants. Good stuff and God bless.
Congrats and thanks :)
DON'T be sorry for the rant...I enjoyed and liked what you have said...about EVERYTHING...I ALMOST did the same thing with my house and car, VERRRRRY LOW INTEREST RATES ON BOTH AND have 2 years to go...I worked until I was 66 to draw full SS...AND being retired MIL also helped...
I keep telling people, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, if they have the aptitude and WANT to go to collage...GOOD, OTHERWISE LEARN A TRADE so that you can fix a LIBERALS HOUSE/CAR/A/C... BECAUSE THEY ARE DUMBER THAN DOOR KNOBS!!!!
LOL and you can charge them a fortune... Kek
Sitting here laughing at this sentence...ONE OUTSTANDING SENTENCE!!!!!!