I found out in the early 1980's that SV40 was passed along to tens of millions of Americans that got the polio vax in the 1950's and 60's. Unintended consequence? You betcha. But it didn't stop them from making vaccines mandatory for school attendance.
I'm pretty sure the consequences were the point of the vaccines then, just as they are now. That was an early test run of using them as a depopulation tool. Mandates are how they make sure nobody escapes.
I wondered if it started with the MMR vaccine. I never had the MMR because I had rubella as a toddler so I got the “pass”. I was also lucky enough to never have received the polio vax because it was stopped the year I would’ve been required to receive it where we lived. I recently asked my mother what vaccines I had as a child and she could not remember any. Now I feel guilty for allowing my children to have followed the recommended vaccines back in the 80s and 90s.
I found out in the early 1980's that SV40 was passed along to tens of millions of Americans that got the polio vax in the 1950's and 60's. Unintended consequence? You betcha. But it didn't stop them from making vaccines mandatory for school attendance.
I'm pretty sure the consequences were the point of the vaccines then, just as they are now. That was an early test run of using them as a depopulation tool. Mandates are how they make sure nobody escapes.
I wondered if it started with the MMR vaccine. I never had the MMR because I had rubella as a toddler so I got the “pass”. I was also lucky enough to never have received the polio vax because it was stopped the year I would’ve been required to receive it where we lived. I recently asked my mother what vaccines I had as a child and she could not remember any. Now I feel guilty for allowing my children to have followed the recommended vaccines back in the 80s and 90s.