246 A Lot Of Vax Discussion Today Because of Diamond So I'm Reposting This. Patrick Bet-David Gives His Take About Trump and His Vaccine Stance. Possibly He's Setting the Bait?? (rumble.com) - ART of WAR - posted 2 years ago by dominickmilford 2 years ago by dominickmilford +246 / -0 38 comments share 38 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They are not used to seeing reverse psychology and amplification done on a serious subject matter like the vax.
I admit it is a huge risk but President Trump has said he is willing to take on the slings and arrows.
Amplification. Trump got game
Art of War. A game of life or death.
Reverse psychology! Perfect description! I am going to remember that. It has been impossible to explain to others why i still support trump, due to his vax stance.
It is a method to corner the Never Trumpers by having them admit the vax is poison or that Warp Speed credit must go to Trump.