Pro-Vaxx Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Admits Profusely "The Anti-Vaxxers Win" ? ? The Liberty Daily
If you love the news, check out The Liberty Daily's homepage. Mark Twain is often misattributed as saying, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” The sentiment is definitely Twainesque, but he never said it. Neverthe...
At least he manned up and admitted he was wrong. Now he gets to spend whatever time he has left on this earth wondering when that time bomb in his veins is going to explode. A sad situation that a lot of people are living through right now.
And when it happens, it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly.
... I wish that wasn't funny.
He didn't admit he was wrong.
At no point he comes out and say he is sorry he potentially mislead thousands of people to commit the same mistake, at no point he says he is sorry for demonizing us for just not wanting to get injected with experimental garbage.
He pretty much just says we "won", almost in a sarcastic manner, and still relegates our right decision on luck of the draw, it was just a hunch and we just happened to have the right one, that's it.
He's still a major POS, nothing changed.
I'm also not sure it is a "time bomb" sort of situation, to me the bad batch idea makes much more sense, you either get fucked in a short time after getting that shit, or you're ok.
I'm sure the actual vaccine is as bad as we think ,but I also think most people just got saline, my entire family took this shit, some up to 4 shots... not a problem (thankfully), including my almost 90 year old grandma.
Can't be sure of that of course... time will tell.
A friend of mine only got the first dose. About a year later he got hit with an onslaught of blood clots brain bleeds aneurysms and strokes and now has memory issues. Probably just coincidence, though.
My mom took two doses, but I got her on quercetin and zinc early enough that it might have mitigated the worst.
That's what I'm saying, you either see it in under an year, or the person doesn't show anything at all, which really gives credence to the bad batch idea.
My father got his first dose around May or June 2021, he got all 4 at this point, recently did a full checkup(he's over 70), not an issue.
My 89 year old grandma was the first one of the family to get it, around March 2021, considering she's almost 90 she's doing fine.
Same thing for my entire family pretty much, all my aunts, uncles, cousins, brother and sister, ALL of them took this shit sometime in 2021, all without any issues(again, thankfully, don't want to sound as if I wish there were), not that I know of anyway.