Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens confirms Antifa used explosives during the attacks.....
"You heard that correctly, explosives."....
🤡 MSM: "Mostly Peaceful" 🤡
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But Jerry Nadler said Antifa was myth. How can this be?
Now that this myth has been debonked, Nadler is probably shitting his pants. Wait.......
Doesn't that make them terrorists by definition?
Peaceful explosives. Rainbow confetti shoots out after the shrapnel.
And of course 3 letter agencies that shall go unnamed supplied them. Can this fucking shitshow wrap up please. Thanks
This mayor better be careful or ANTIFA will take him out.
Did he ever call them antifa? Did he ever say what their ideology was, or what their purported reason for rioting was? Or did he keep it vague by narrowing it to "out of state agitators" which would be used to condemn any right-leaning protest?