George Herbert Waker Bush’s greatest legacy was ushering in the age of the New World Order (NWO). The NWO is the control mechanism for the Deep State. From his early days in the CIA to his famous NWO speech as President, George H.W. Bush was instrumental to bringing decades of war, chaos and division to the American people. He was the lord of global narcotics trafficking, money laundering, fraud and financial looting. Those crimes led to mass murder, assassination; the extermination of political enemies and whistleblowers. Which then led to the criminalization of military and intelligence agencies, the corruption of entire governments, and the institutionalization of terrorism and criminal cover-ups.
Poppy” Bush was one of the greatest architects of suffering the world has ever known. His criminal empire, the NWO, continues to corrupt our nation with its tentacles in almost every industry. Instead of mourning him we should mourn his victims. Mourn what has been destroyed. Mourn the “thousand points of light” that he snuffed out.
Let historical truth fully expose who and what the Bush family are, and what they have done. Let the mainstream corporate media’s desperate attempt to sanitize the Bush record utterly fail.
The Bush family are the Swamp. They are the Deep State. They do not like President Trump because he is a threat to their power.
The current version of the modern deep state started with the JFK assassination. The coverup included the murder of dozens of witnesses. Which as we now know is their preferred method of control. That coverup is not for anyone alive it's for the deep state itself. Institutionalized tyranny that provides the foundation for killing anyone opposed to it.
I respectfully disagree. I believe it started around 1913 with the re-establishment of the Federal Reserve. The 1930's coup attempt foiled by Gen. Smedley Butler (see his book "War is a Racket") was then effectively completed with the creation of the CIA in 1947. Nazi's were brought in to critical government positions through Op. Paperclip, and many of the nasty policies we see now began(CIA torture, MK Ultra, nastier Chem/Bio warfare, DUMB's (see George Rickhey, Hans Kammler, etc.)). The JFK assassination, in my opinion, was a fully grown Deep State monster protecting its sandbox- the coup was already long completed.
No disagreement. They are willing to kill to stay in power. And they don't care that we have it figured out.