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I saw two videos on Instagram last night that might be interesting. I haven’t had a chance to research. I took screenshots and copy/paste are below. Like a fool I didn’t save the link from instagram.
From insta post:
“Michael Pollan gave a wonderful speech years ago where he discussed visiting Joel Salatin at Polyface Farms and his book The Omnivores Dilemma. This speech was presented at the 2006 National Bioneers Conference in San Rafael, CA and is part of the Ecological Food and Farming Collection, Vol. 1. Joel Salatin at Polvface Farms and his book The Omnivores Dilemma.”
“ @dave.asprey The importance of cows in our ecosystem. In addition to being healthy and IL delicious, cows produce a precious commodity called poop. Poop makes soil. Soil is the largest carbon sink on the planet. If you remove the cows the way we have removed buffaloes and elephants from ecosystems”
I've just watched this: Dr. Paul Mason - 'Carnivore Diet & Optimal Health'
Raises the point about cattle being better for the environment. Vegetarianism is much worse, in all kinds of ways.
I think that’s what the other guys (I posted) are saying also. It’s somewhere in this thread. Makes sense, animals have been around forever before large cities and factories. That’s what is destroying the environment. It amazes me most people don’t get that herd animals aren’t the problem. I saw a clip yesterday, this guy was schooling a vegan. Telling her the avocados she eats are trucked across the country for her vegan lifestyle. I think I saved it.