News flash, visa employees are frequently hired through consultant or contractor firms, and may be dumped rather easily. Project ended early, contract ended, everybody out.
Spez- right place, right time, you'd be amazed what can be accomplished. Boss needs a quick budget cut? We don't really need those changes completed right now, business is down and we can save so much money! Just have them back up all their work and log the passwords with you because we're switching over servers this weekend, then terminate the whole group in one go. We can get it all going again gradually in a few quarters with some local experienced people.
You're not H1B visa, which makes you disposable.
Start looking for Section 8 housing, learn to love welfare and living in shit.
You helped make this world. Enjoy.
She's probably already on OnlyFans.
News flash, visa employees are frequently hired through consultant or contractor firms, and may be dumped rather easily. Project ended early, contract ended, everybody out.
Spez- right place, right time, you'd be amazed what can be accomplished. Boss needs a quick budget cut? We don't really need those changes completed right now, business is down and we can save so much money! Just have them back up all their work and log the passwords with you because we're switching over servers this weekend, then terminate the whole group in one go. We can get it all going again gradually in a few quarters with some local experienced people.
Yup libtard tech workers get to lay in that bed of there’s. Fuck em!
She just needs to hop to Mexico then cross the border back illegally, boom, jackpot social welfare heaven.