Ones free will of choice (Latin liber; free) willingly consenting to the suggestions (liberalism) by others represents the "twist" from free (choice) to being bound (to the choices of others).
This is true. But the lefties identify themseves as "liberals," so calling them by that name may be inaccurate, but it does correctly put the finger on them.
I prefer the term “leftist “ in place of “liberal “
"Satanic pedophiles" says it all.
Suggested "insane" tempts one to ignore perceivable "In sanus" aka being within a person aka "per sonos" (by sound).
I agree with you. The term "liberal" has been co-opted by the left and twisted.
When I think "liberal", it is more the Thomas Jefferson kind.
"liberal" has been...twisted
Ones free will of choice (Latin liber; free) willingly consenting to the suggestions (liberalism) by others represents the "twist" from free (choice) to being bound (to the choices of others).
This is true. But the lefties identify themseves as "liberals," so calling them by that name may be inaccurate, but it does correctly put the finger on them.
Yeah there's nothing liberal about these marxists.
It boils down to the Demoncrats.
Right. Now-a-days, liberals seem to lean more toward libertarian.