It was really fucking simple, actually.
It had nothing to do with science, it had nothing to do with research (that came after, to verify what I thought was true).
It had everything to do with human nature, and the fact that old Clott doesn't get this (or refuses to 'get' this) just shows what a total loser he really is.
It's not about us 'winning', but it sure is about him losing.
I'll spell it out, so even a comic strip writer can understand..
Before Covid, the world had a fairly reasonable set of responses in place to handle pandemics and outbreaks etc., you know, based on actual studies etc. Then, all of a sudden, all the sensible rules were thrown out the window in favour of all this knee-jerk shit. This was the first 'alarm'.
The second alarm closely followed the first, when did the exact same stupid shit, all at the same time, and if anyone stepped out of line (Sweden) they were crucified for it, even though the stats showed they were right. It was reasonable to assume that the whole thing was co-ordinated and that every government was compromised.
Then they come out with a magic 'vaccine', which they lied about being a gene therapy, and changed the meaning of the word 'vaccine' so they could lie with a straight face.
On top of that, all the animals they tested that shit on died, and they also rushed it out in a ridiculously short time frame without proper testing.
To add insult to injury (literally as it turns out) they were doing things like offering free doughnuts to get jabbed and villifying anyone who dared ask a question or two. Note that it wasn't necessary to refuse or anything like that, just asking a regular, sensible question got you labelled as worse than Hitler ffs.
It really isn't a question about how we knew, but how the fuck you didn't, Clott.
I am fortunate to have a recorded sample of my mindset and level of knowledge at the time the vax was introduced because I had sent an email to the CEO of the company at the time they started pushing it (February 18, 2021). Here was our exchange:
Subject: [COMPANY] Vaccination Efforts
Folks, we are making a full-court press on getting our workforce vaccinated as soon as possible.
Please review the attached poster of information which is being distributed to all of our sites for the employees.
We need your help to get the message out that the vaccine is :
And our only way out of the pandemic
There is a lot of good factual information available and we want our employees to make an educated decision on getting vaccinated.
Let me know if you have concerns or questions.
Subject: RE: [COMPANY] Vaccination Efforts
Why not just take HCQ/Vitamin D/Zinc/Melatonin for prophylaxis and Ivermectin upon exposure? Much safer. That’s the procedure my doctor has me on. Also there is the Marik protocol:
The reason there are no current coronavirus vaccines in use is once recipients are exposed to the virus in the wild, ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) kicks in and they respond worse to the virus than non-vaccinated individuals. All COVID19 vaccines currently available bypassed normal testing procedures through an ill-gotten EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). Ill-gotten in the sense that safer alternatives were suppressed. EUA cannot be granted if alternatives exist.
You must also inform employees as to whether [COMPANY] intends to compensate for any side effects or damage suffered by employees who receive the vaccine due to pressure and/or non-factual statements from the Company. [COMPANY] is not in any way qualified to determine whether experimental vaccines are safe or effective or “the only way out of the pandemic”. The very fact that they are experimental makes that determination impossible by anyone.
There is indeed good factual information available and you should examine it before sending out something like this.
Subject: RE: [COMPANY] Vaccination Efforts
[EMPLOYEE] - our approach is supported by the most advanced and the most thoroughly investigated approach by the global medical community
There no solid, proven medical data to support these alternative approaches .
Thanks for the feedback and interest
Subject: RE: [COMPANY] Vaccination Efforts
There’s nothing advanced or thoroughly investigated about the product you’re suggesting. The makeup of the COVID19 vaccines is not new—they weren’t broadly released in the past because they couldn’t pass safety testing. They failed during animal testing stages or first deployment.
None of the COVID19 vaccination data has been subjected to peer review. You are taking the manufacturers word that in their limited testing it is effective and not harmful. We’ll know better in the coming months and years whether it is safe and effective.
I’m not sure what “these alternative approaches” refers to but if you go into any hospital around the world w/COVID19 symptoms you’ll end up on some of the treatments referenced in the Marik protocol—and if you go to a really good hospital you’ll get Ivermectin. There is medical data being acquired, analyzed, and peer reviewed every day by doctors and with respect to “these alternative approaches”.
The COVID19 survival rate is well over 99% through use of these “alternative approaches”.
The most you can factually state is that an experimental COVID19 vaccine is available for free and employees can go to [wherever] to sign up.
Subject: RE: [COMPANY] Vaccination Efforts
[EMPLOYEE] we are not in agreement and will not be .
Many of your statements are demonstrably false, and we can spend hours debating but I don’t have the interest in debating unproven and hearsay base approaches that have not been adopted by the science-based medical community as appropriate and effective
Millions of Americans have been safely and effectively vaccinated.
You are entitled to your opinion , but these opinions will not be the basis of [COMPANY] company policy .
Our policies are and will continue to be based on the best available medical science .
I note that the EVMS you quoted - has an aggressive vaccination protocol for its employees .
Have a nice day
You did great, Merf. That article that said the unvaccinated 'didn't do enough' to warn people, because we had 'special knowledge' and let them get vaxxed and now we have 'blood on our hands' but they'll 'forgive us' because they're good people doesn't apply to you (or most of us.)
Are you still employed with said company? Was this a "reply all"?
Hah I didn't go that far. Hit my immediate team and up the ladder and that was it. Not sure I'd even have reply-all perms.
I'm still with the company. Ended up pureblood and 100% remote and things have been better than ever, oddly enough.
Thank you for standing up.
It was my pleasure.
I'd be fascinated to know if any other employed anons got an email matching that verbiage. It reeks of a corporate version of the 3AM drops: