Multi-Ethnicity For You, But Not For Me... đź‘€
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This dude is the managing editor of The Babylon Bee. Pretty sure he’s fucking around.
Hmmm could be a joke I guess. It really is a perfect caricature
He's not joking, he'll block you if you call question to any of this.
Old but related:
If the universe is indeed getting ready to wipe out humanity again, it’s likely because it gave their sub human species a second chance and they failed. And perhaps it’ll do it this time and no second chances for these parasites.
So today inter-racial marriages mandatory, tomorrow same sex marriages mandatory.
I don't get it. I have an interracial, international marriage and a beautiful daughter as a result. I'm so sick of people politicizing the nature of my love as either good or bad because I do not do this to others.
It wouldn't be a problem but there is a clear goal to reduce the number of white people in America and the world at large.
It's not a problem unless you make it a problem. If you don't wanna marry a non-white, that's fine. Nobody can force you to marry a non-white. Those who prattle on about eliminating the white race are purposely trying to piss you off and if you get pissed off, you've fallen for their trap. It's the divide and conquer strategy that Q warned us about. Those who have upvoted your comment and downvoted my comment apparently haven't been paying attention to Q this whole time.
My point is that as someone with a Japanese/white biracial family, I do not want the nature of my life to be shoved in people's faces and lauded as some sort of ideal and expect them to live up to. If you don't want to comply, then frickin' DON'T. It's that simple. If someone like myself chooses not to marry another white, don't get butthurt because you don't get to decide how I will live my life. Some here in Japan may complain about people like myself making Japan "less Japanese" and "more white" because my daughter's complexion is certainly white, regardless of what you think. It goes both ways, fren.
Where I am sure we can agree would be introducing some sort of artificial way of targeting whites for sterilization, via some chemical or genetic manipulation. That's straight up eugenics shit in reverse. And the mass importation of a Muslim infestation into Europe is horrible too.
Reality has made it a problem.
Just ignore the evidence then eh?
I understand what Q said. Now what does history say too?
So they don't like it either eh? So Japan wants to stay Japanese and you're butthurt about it? Every check the demographics of Japan? There's a reason it's a high trust society with little crime.
So you've moved to a different position then? Up there you said I've fallen for a trap. So what's the difference between a trap and eugenics and the muslim invasion of the EU? Or our own invasion at the border?
Listen to yourself. You're irate because I didn't marry another white, as if that is any of your business. Your attitude is identical to a KKK Democrat from a hundred years ago. Congratulations.
People pursuing love with different ethnicities on their own volition is one thing. Moonbats saying that there needs to be less white people is a completely different thing, and so is saying that mass migration to replace cultures is rotten too. I did not marry a white girl. I married a Japanese girl because I loved her, not because of her skin color or that I'm some part of some sinister scheme to eradicate Caucasians. I am opposed to any libtard who would hold my marriage as some ideal for others to follow. I understand that American TV commercials are nothing but mixed-race couples and that is forced diversity. You obviously hold my daughter in contempt but since you have a problem with that, all you have to do is have two children since this is apparently some puerile contest with you.
"Where we go one, we go all... except for non-whites" is what you believe. You should belong more on a forum by that faggot Richard Spencer rather than a Q forum. And you needn't lecture me on Japan because my experience with being here goes back to '98. The point of this thread is that mass migration is bad. I agree. If Japan flooded itself with crappy immigrants, I would be opposed to it. Unlike too many immigrants, I adapt, assimilate, and connect with the community. I have some Vietnamese in my neighborhood who can't even figure out simple trash disposal rules and they make an embarrassing mess.
I'm irate? Look at your comments and look at mine bud.
Thank you. I am not ashamed at all that I want my future kids and grandkids to look like me. To have my values.
You are free to make your own choices. I've never said otherwise.
Yet you refuse the inverse.
I never said one thing about your kid. This whole thing is you being butthurt that people believe differently than you do. Including, apparently, the people who's country in which you currently reside.
Man, you must be a psychic. You know exactly how I feel and exactly what I think 100% of the time.
It would be nice if we all got along. But we don't. Not yet.
Holy moly are you super sensitive. It's embarrassing. Who hurt your feelings?
Yawn I don't care dude.
Ever consdider that to the japs, that's you?
The Japanese community?
Look, I'm not going to agree with you about your choices. And I don't have to. But all this weirdness that's coming out, that's on you bud. It's not unreasonable to say I want to be around white people.
Unfortunately, your child will have to choose “which side” she’s on. Kids who have parents with different ethnicities have a personal battle their parents will never understand.
“What are you?” is what I hear asked towards the kids with mixed parents. It’s sad because even they don’t know the answer =\
There's also the challenge of finding compatible blood/organ donors. If Tiger Woods ever needed a kidney he's probably fucked.
People are either on the side of love or bigotry. You don't get to decide how mixed children think. Only they do. The saddest cases are half-black kids. A girl I knew in college was half black. Pretty girl. I think she may have liked me too. She told me that she only felt ostracized by blacks. Whites made her feel included and comfortable with herself. She didn't speak with a fake southern accent or waved her hands about as she spoke. You don't get to de-legitimize her though. She's on the side of love.
What I said is something I’ve witnessed, not something I pulled from my anus.
YOU don’t get to choose how children feel about their mixed heritage, and YOU don’t get to gaslight them.
And I've witnessed the opposite. You are assuming that every mixed-race kid can't answer the question "What are you?" My daughter can answer that question. It's not about taking sides. Q specifically warned us that they want us to be divided by race, and you are falling right into the trap you were warned about.
That’s something Q and I disagree with. There are some groups of people that absolutely can not coexist with other groups. I’m not ignorant enough to believe “world peace” is achievable this side of heaven.
You can stay in your little bubble dude, but stop acting like the Justice police when you don’t know everything about everyone.
Good day dude.
There are some groups that cannot coexist, while there are others that do. My parents knew someone whose job it was to try to assimilate some Somalian families. No matter how many times she explained to them how to use something like a laundry machine, they completely failed to grasp it. On the other hand, there was a beautiful Somali chick at my university I sort of knew and she was fantastic. IQ plays a big part of it. Above all, forced diversity never works.
But your attitude is "Where we go one, we go all... except for non-whites". That is not the spirit of what Q is about. Instead of saying, for example, "I wish those icky blacks would vanish from existence," you're not focusing on why they are disagreeable. Who controls their education, who controls their pop culture, who profits from the prisons, etc. Target the problem, not the symptoms. You really should probably spend more time on a forum dedicated to that faggot Richard Spencer and his neo-Democrat group. Being on a Q forum one would expect to not spout KKK talking points as you do.
Wow dude, you read into what I said waaaaayyyy too much.
You’ve obviously have some self hate issues, probably from poor choices. Stop trying to put words in my mouth or convince me that you’re right, because you never will be.
YOU don’t get to make opinions for others, and that’s exactly what you’re doing.
Go take care of your family you care so much about and stop arguing with strangers on the internet.
Your immaturity is showing BIGLY.