Awful circumstances to be raised in. I have a friend with parents like that - the things they say to him horrify me. Praying that God will grant you the spiritual wisdom to deal with the manipulation narcissists can put out. Anyone who knows a true narcissist, as you do, will also know that DJT is most definitely NOT a narcissist.
Sadly, yes. But that's also narcissists for you - they know exactly how to manipulate their marks. Their victims have got to get smarter to know how to get away from them.
I unfortunately share the pain of narcissist parents.
Awful circumstances to be raised in. I have a friend with parents like that - the things they say to him horrify me. Praying that God will grant you the spiritual wisdom to deal with the manipulation narcissists can put out. Anyone who knows a true narcissist, as you do, will also know that DJT is most definitely NOT a narcissist.
Does your friend still speak with their sperm donor and birth giver?
Sadly, yes. But that's also narcissists for you - they know exactly how to manipulate their marks. Their victims have got to get smarter to know how to get away from them.
I'm so torn with moving away.