Not trying to be a killjoy but how is this hilarious when it's like, literally the 500th time this joke has come out, it's almost getting to the point where you just roll your eyes and sigh when you see it now
New to Some of us aren’t on the webs a lot…so we don’t see what you see (repetition cuz being a mod and/or searching for interesting board content).
Oh sh!t
It was Arkancided suddenly
omg lolol
Poor balloon never had a chance!
hahahaha hahahahaha hahaha. I'm getting the biggest laughs from this spy balloon story
Yea, this is one of the biggest comedic events of the decade!
Not trying to be a killjoy but how is this hilarious when it's like, literally the 500th time this joke has come out, it's almost getting to the point where you just roll your eyes and sigh when you see it now
No worries…
New to Some of us aren’t on the webs a lot…so we don’t see what you see (repetition cuz being a mod and/or searching for interesting board content).
Chinese spy balloon had as much dirt on Hillary Clinton as Seth Rich did.