Why are y’all so sold on a pretrib rapture when it is nowhere to be found in scripture? I know this is the reason for your downvotes. I can prove it with scripture. Great deception. What do you think that is? Falling away from the faith. What do you think causes this? Watered down weak Christian’s allowing abominations in the church? What do you think has caused so many people to claim they are Christian’s when they really are not? If you asked Americans what their faith is 90% would say Christian. Why? Because they repeated a prayer one time in their life? If you have met the creator, you are never the same. You become an entirely new creature. So how can you be a Christian and still bump Tupac? How can you flip someone off and not feel remorse for it? Because you are not born again. You are playing Christian. Just because you go to church on Easter does not mean you are a Christian. My spirit bares witness. It gives me discernment and I can tell when another is truly born again. Do not be deceived. Many will come in his name and cry, “Lord Lord, haven’t we done all these things in your name?” He will say, “depart, ye that work iniquity. I never knew you!” Downvote me all you want. I study to shew myself approved. A workman that is not ashamed. Rightly dividing the word of truth. I would rather go down a biblical rabbit hole than any of this great awakening stuff. Why? Because I know where my soul will end up. This world is not my home and I honestly could care less what happens to America. What I do care about are the souls that I interact with and the love and truth I have to share. Jesus is the creator and I choose to worship him not his creation.
Why are y’all so sold on a pretrib rapture when it is nowhere to be found in scripture? I know this is the reason for your downvotes. I can prove it with scripture. Great deception. What do you think that is? Falling away from the faith. What do you think causes this? Watered down weak Christian’s allowing abominations in the church? What do you think has caused so many people to claim they are Christian’s when they really are not? If you asked Americans what their faith is 90% would say Christian. Why? Because they repeated a prayer one time in their life? If you have met the creator, you are never the same. You become an entirely new creature. So how can you be a Christian and still bump Tupac? How can you flip someone off and not feel remorse for it? Because you are not born again. You are playing Christian. Just because you go to church on Easter does not mean you are a Christian. My spirit bares witness. It gives me discernment and I can tell when another is truly born again. Do not be deceived. Many will come in his name and cry, “Lord Lord, haven’t we done all these things in your name?” He will say, “depart, ye that work iniquity. I never knew you!” Downvote me all you want. I study to shew myself approved. A workman that is not ashamed. Rightly dividing the word of truth. I would rather go down a biblical rabbit hole than any of this great awakening stuff. Why? Because I know where my soul will end up. This world is not my home and I honestly could care less what happens to America. What I do care about are the souls that I interact with and the love and truth I have to share. Jesus is the creator and I choose to worship him not his creation.