Good reminder. I was just thinking these "car-sized" objects could possibly be from N Korea. If I had to guess I'd say they are flexing their muscles this year before Trump comes back. I can't speculate what type of aircraft it is - drone/balloon/other - but I bet it has a real payload on it. I figure there is a missile that our pilots can see so they are shooting them down.
Now - if there is a missile on them, the question would have to be why haven't they shot it when our jets show up. My answer is - that's why I think those are from the NORKs. They probably can't. The flying things are probably designed to hit something in order to blow up. If NK wants to stir stuff up that is a good way to do it, and they can say they can reach N America with their weapons.
Good reminder. I was just thinking these "car-sized" objects could possibly be from N Korea. If I had to guess I'd say they are flexing their muscles this year before Trump comes back. I can't speculate what type of aircraft it is - drone/balloon/other - but I bet it has a real payload on it. I figure there is a missile that our pilots can see so they are shooting them down.
Now - if there is a missile on them, the question would have to be why haven't they shot it when our jets show up. My answer is - that's why I think those are from the NORKs. They probably can't. The flying things are probably designed to hit something in order to blow up. If NK wants to stir stuff up that is a good way to do it, and they can say they can reach N America with their weapons.