I understand what you mean and I agree. It's getting to the point where all the sensationalized headlines and overblown statements are just making people a little numb to everything.
And it makes it difficult to distinguish when something significant actually does come along. It just gets lost in all the clutter.
And I know this is going to make some people angry, but I've noticed that we have a good many people here who just aren't familiar with the basic concepts of how the judicial system works and take the word of other Anons here that what they post is factual.
For example, when the Bronson case was waiting to be submitted to the Supreme Court to determine whether or not they would accept it for trial, we had a good many people here who thought that the case was already being tried in court. Many had no idea that every case being presented to be heard by the SC wasn't actually accepted. All of the hyping up of that case made so many people think that it was a slam dunk while those who understood how the SC works understood that there was only a slim chance it would even be heard. So naturally all of those people who were swayed by all those sensationalized posts were angry and confused when their expectations were shattered when the SC rejected that case.
And this is a common occurrence. Look at all the hyping up over the Durham investigations. What was the result? One case against some mid level FBI nobody who was acquitted.
This is why we have so much burn out and dooming. We constantly get our hopes built up with these types of posts only to be let down again and again and again.
And why? So someone can get more views on their posts than others? So GAW can get more traffic than another .win?
Probably going to get a 3 day vacation from posting for saying this, but after so many posts from u/catsfive criticizing people for not creating new posts, and their continued comments about how another .win gets so much more traffic than GAW, I lean towards saying that the sensationalist style posting here is deliberately done with those things in mind.
WHY exactly is that motion a bombshell? What is unique or extraordinary about defense attorneys filing motions in court? What is out of the ordinary about attorneys (especially this administration's DOJ) trying to withhold evidence that jeopardizes their case? Going by how trial lawyers normally work, they would probably be disbarred for not trying to withhold evidence that jeopardizes their case.
The only people who would think this was a bombshell are those people I was speaking of earlier with the Bronson case. People who have no idea how the legal system works and who think filing a motion is some big deal and means something big. In other big news, water is wet and fire is hot.
So basically, I think there is a deliberate effort here to generate click bait posts exploiting those who don't know much about the topic, for the purpose of generating more traffic on GAW because TPTB here are in some weird personal competition with other .win communities. And to hell with anyone that grows tired of their emotions and expectations being jerked around.
So there. I said it. And that's probably the last thing I'll be saying for awhile. So I'll make it count.
But in the meantime, take note of how many times cats posts utterly un-newsworthy sensationalized or emotionalized horse beatings that are conveniently self stickied for maximum exposure. Take note of what their priorities are. Hell, take some time and go read through their old posts.
Then ask yourself, who owns the .win boards? How are they paying for it? There are no ads. No fees to use. And it must be expensive to maintain. Why the constant nagging to generate more and more content?
Seriously, am I the only one who thinks "follow the money" applies to everyone?
I also never bought into "the kraken" amd her lot, or the various telegram channels, or the other "conservative" "journalists" or "investigators" who suddenly pop up seemingly from nowhere and have ten thousand subscribers now taking everything they say as truth. That's cult mentality and the most dangerous and damaging part of our community, not just here but everywhere.
I understand what you mean and I agree. It's getting to the point where all the sensationalized headlines and overblown statements are just making people a little numb to everything.
And it makes it difficult to distinguish when something significant actually does come along. It just gets lost in all the clutter.
And I know this is going to make some people angry, but I've noticed that we have a good many people here who just aren't familiar with the basic concepts of how the judicial system works and take the word of other Anons here that what they post is factual.
For example, when the Bronson case was waiting to be submitted to the Supreme Court to determine whether or not they would accept it for trial, we had a good many people here who thought that the case was already being tried in court. Many had no idea that every case being presented to be heard by the SC wasn't actually accepted. All of the hyping up of that case made so many people think that it was a slam dunk while those who understood how the SC works understood that there was only a slim chance it would even be heard. So naturally all of those people who were swayed by all those sensationalized posts were angry and confused when their expectations were shattered when the SC rejected that case.
And this is a common occurrence. Look at all the hyping up over the Durham investigations. What was the result? One case against some mid level FBI nobody who was acquitted.
This is why we have so much burn out and dooming. We constantly get our hopes built up with these types of posts only to be let down again and again and again.
And why? So someone can get more views on their posts than others? So GAW can get more traffic than another .win?
Probably going to get a 3 day vacation from posting for saying this, but after so many posts from u/catsfive criticizing people for not creating new posts, and their continued comments about how another .win gets so much more traffic than GAW, I lean towards saying that the sensationalist style posting here is deliberately done with those things in mind.
WHY exactly is that motion a bombshell? What is unique or extraordinary about defense attorneys filing motions in court? What is out of the ordinary about attorneys (especially this administration's DOJ) trying to withhold evidence that jeopardizes their case? Going by how trial lawyers normally work, they would probably be disbarred for not trying to withhold evidence that jeopardizes their case.
The only people who would think this was a bombshell are those people I was speaking of earlier with the Bronson case. People who have no idea how the legal system works and who think filing a motion is some big deal and means something big. In other big news, water is wet and fire is hot.
So basically, I think there is a deliberate effort here to generate click bait posts exploiting those who don't know much about the topic, for the purpose of generating more traffic on GAW because TPTB here are in some weird personal competition with other .win communities. And to hell with anyone that grows tired of their emotions and expectations being jerked around.
So there. I said it. And that's probably the last thing I'll be saying for awhile. So I'll make it count.
But in the meantime, take note of how many times cats posts utterly un-newsworthy sensationalized or emotionalized horse beatings that are conveniently self stickied for maximum exposure. Take note of what their priorities are. Hell, take some time and go read through their old posts.
Then ask yourself, who owns the .win boards? How are they paying for it? There are no ads. No fees to use. And it must be expensive to maintain. Why the constant nagging to generate more and more content?
Seriously, am I the only one who thinks "follow the money" applies to everyone?
Agreed. I appreciate the lengthy reply.
I also never bought into "the kraken" amd her lot, or the various telegram channels, or the other "conservative" "journalists" or "investigators" who suddenly pop up seemingly from nowhere and have ten thousand subscribers now taking everything they say as truth. That's cult mentality and the most dangerous and damaging part of our community, not just here but everywhere.
Eyes open. Discern first, trust with time.
forums do not cost that much to run. But more people have been wondering..who really owns GAW?