Confident we can all agree that the Hollywood folks are 99% scumbags. Recent events in the past 2-3 years have me noticing some very prophetic happenings that we saw in movies years prior:
Outbreak: Predicting Virus spreads and causes national lockdowns (CV19)
Wag the Dog: Predicting The DS spin doctors controlling the media/narrative
White Noise: Predicting Parallels to the Ohio train derailment and chem spill
Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind: UFOs/ballons/train derails
Enemy of the State: Predicting the mass surveillance of citizens
A lof of fiction is becoming FACT. Wanted to hear some opinions from Anons. Seems odd that the DS/cabal would tell us their plans thru propaganda (film). Do you think life is imitating art? Was Hollywood warning us (and possibly useful, we just didn't listen/believe)? Is Hollywood simply serving evil or is it trying to provide some good with warning shots we're just not paying enough attention to?
I think the cabal has some code where they have to show what their plans are but they do it in ways that can be written off as "just a movie" or "just a song" or "just a school preparedness drill" or "just an academic exercise (Event 201)"
Predictive Programming
Totally. But if they're programming it thru propaganda, why aren't we able to DE-program it and prepare for it and thwart it?
because most people are programmed. best we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best. something like that..
I forgot, to fight like hell all the way though
I call it hiding truth in plain sight. And they can say that we’re just crazy for noticing it because “you just saw it in a movie”
Watched Fringe during covid lockdowns because I missed it the first time around. Science fiction 10 years ago was now science fact. It’s worth a watch if you’re believing the predictive programming theory as well as Q. Also, my mom is rewatching 24 and she said it’s heavy on the PP.
Thx. Hadn't heard of that one. I'll give it a look
Also, "They Live" all time classic
White Noise was adapted from a book written in the ‘80s by Don DeLillo. The book was based on a train derailment of toxic chemicals in India, and the author took that idea and moved it to middle America to write a philosophical satire about pop culture, government, media, and the modern age. For me, this is what writers do. They observe people, look at world events, and then try to write realistic stories that combine the things they are seeing in new and unique ways. Often there will be some element of trauma in their stories because that is the nature of drama. Shakespeare’s stories were also full of trauma, but I don’t think anyone labels them predictive programming.
And I’m not saying predictive programming isn’t a thing, but it’s also possible that some people are simply writers writing stories. And if the story is good, and the insights are valid, and the motivations are logical, and the characterizations are accurate, then eventually, over time, there will likely be some sort of events in real life that parallel the fiction. Especially so when that fiction is already a play on a true story that happened in India.
I’m not sure if the director of White Noise is cabal or not, but for now I would lean not. He’s sort of on the fringe of mainstream Hollywood, and I think his movies skew fairly moderate politically. I think there is a lot of mockery of academia and liberalism in White Noise, like the close-up of the “Give a hoot! Don’t pollute!” on the back of the family’s station wagon, who together have no survival skills in an environmental disaster, and he even decides to follow the jeep of some gun-toting redneck types (with a Confederate flag) saying, “I think these guys know where to go.” And of course much of the movie is about how government/media is lying to the people.
The timing is obviously weird though. It more makes me think that the cabal, being incredibly uncreative, watched this movie on Netflix over the holidays and then gave the go order to their people on the ground to manufacture it in reality. They might have done it for their own entertainment.
Excellent theory!!!