My mom got wise before she started having kids in the early 90s. She chose to homeschool all five of my siblings and myself because she went through the public system. She always told us it was pretty much useless and kids didn’t actually learn they were indoctrinated. My mom has been based for a very long time. She even rejected childhood vaccines because her research told her they were pointless and poisonous.
Good for you! I so wish that more people would be like your mom! It’s hard to say “no” (and stand tall, let alone teach others to do the same) when so many other people are saying yes or simply don’t want to think critically.
My mom got wise before she started having kids in the early 90s. She chose to homeschool all five of my siblings and myself because she went through the public system. She always told us it was pretty much useless and kids didn’t actually learn they were indoctrinated. My mom has been based for a very long time. She even rejected childhood vaccines because her research told her they were pointless and poisonous.
I'm sure you inherited and assimilated her courageous nature. My mom was a rebel about pharma and I am grateful for that example.
Good for you! I so wish that more people would be like your mom! It’s hard to say “no” (and stand tall, let alone teach others to do the same) when so many other people are saying yes or simply don’t want to think critically.
That is some mom. What a hero.
We home schooled for a total of 23 years. Unfortunately we didn't reject the childhood vaccines - we have since "seen the light".