If true, and they are legally found guilty of treason, literally fry all of them in electric chairs for treason against the USA, and unlawfully committing an act of war that could lead to an atomic end to human civilization on earth.
This was taken from Seymour Hersh's substack. It is Hersh's inside informant. This guy is taking credit for Hersh's work. Even though true, it is not cool to plagiarize someone else's work. Someone called him out on this fact in the thread. His response was, yes Hersh did a great job and it lines up with what my source told me. Either Basham is bending the truth, or his source is.
Numerous claims made in that declaration can very likely be verified by outside sources.
•Sonar bouy may have been recorded making the detonation, by listening devices.
•Aircraft that dropped the detonator device may have been tracked.
•Meetings of officials.
•Persons from the Florida school questioned, whereabouts, and contacts traced... I wonder if they had vax passport traces on them?
•Norwegian sub may have been detected.
•Personnel meetings at the Eisenhower building. (Ike is rolling in his grave at this MIC lawlessness).
•Other stuff, I am sure....IF this story is true.
But I am inclined to believe it. This is exactly the type of brazen, reckless stupidity that only a genuine criminal mind can conceive of trying, and actually doing. And from what we have seen, that is exactly the mentality of the Washington DC swamp- criminality deeply ingrained in their DNA: genetic defects produced by generations of inbreeding. These types of people need to be removed from the human gene pool.
Dear alien invaders: You know what to do. You have our support. The sooner, the better.
If you haven't ALREADY stacked silver (and lead), canned foods, dry foods, water, and medical supplies, you are reaching a point where it will be impossible to do so when TSHTF.
I trust Putin more than my actual government at this point. What the fuck is going on?
I pray to God we are witnessing a movie and all the actors being shown
We are in the deepest of times.
There is a transformer convention that just wrapped up here in DFW.
Had cigars with many of them.
High level executives.
None of them realize what an EMP can do to current transformers. Also, they have no clue as to lead time on replacing them if hundreds are knocked out at once.
Their common reply? Well, we make them when they are ordered.
What if your 3 year lead time transforner is now requested by hundreds in 1 week?
Exactly what Seymour Hersh reported last week. Considering he doesn't give a shout out to Hersh until he's called out on it and doesn't give any new details, this guy's just plagiarizing Hersh's work so he can look important.
If true, and they are legally found guilty of treason, literally fry all of them in electric chairs for treason against the USA, and unlawfully committing an act of war that could lead to an atomic end to human civilization on earth.
This was taken from Seymour Hersh's substack. It is Hersh's inside informant. This guy is taking credit for Hersh's work. Even though true, it is not cool to plagiarize someone else's work. Someone called him out on this fact in the thread. His response was, yes Hersh did a great job and it lines up with what my source told me. Either Basham is bending the truth, or his source is.
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline - published Feb 8
Numerous claims made in that declaration can very likely be verified by outside sources.
•Sonar bouy may have been recorded making the detonation, by listening devices.
•Aircraft that dropped the detonator device may have been tracked.
•Meetings of officials.
•Persons from the Florida school questioned, whereabouts, and contacts traced... I wonder if they had vax passport traces on them?
•Norwegian sub may have been detected.
•Personnel meetings at the Eisenhower building. (Ike is rolling in his grave at this MIC lawlessness).
•Other stuff, I am sure....IF this story is true.
But I am inclined to believe it. This is exactly the type of brazen, reckless stupidity that only a genuine criminal mind can conceive of trying, and actually doing. And from what we have seen, that is exactly the mentality of the Washington DC swamp- criminality deeply ingrained in their DNA: genetic defects produced by generations of inbreeding. These types of people need to be removed from the human gene pool.
Dear alien invaders: You know what to do. You have our support. The sooner, the better.
Yes, he is in fact, that stupid enough to do something like this.
If you haven't ALREADY stacked silver (and lead), canned foods, dry foods, water, and medical supplies, you are reaching a point where it will be impossible to do so when TSHTF.
Me too, actually.
Better to have provisions and not need them than to need them but not have them.
Monkeywerks has a YT video on how it was bombed by an American military airplane. Pretty convincing.
Why would they leave their transponder on?
Or that was the plane that dropped the sonar device that detonated the bombs that were placed previously.
Noice logic, as usual.
Tweet #1: https://archive.ph/obtXk
Tweet #2: https://archive.ph/euNMJ
I trust Putin more than my actual government at this point. What the fuck is going on?
I pray to God we are witnessing a movie and all the actors being shown
We are in the deepest of times.
There is a transformer convention that just wrapped up here in DFW.
Had cigars with many of them.
High level executives.
None of them realize what an EMP can do to current transformers. Also, they have no clue as to lead time on replacing them if hundreds are knocked out at once.
Their common reply? Well, we make them when they are ordered.
What if your 3 year lead time transforner is now requested by hundreds in 1 week?
Shiat eating, stupid grins.
What do i know? We are fucked.
Can someone explain why Joseph Biden is not under arrest for treason?
Exactly what Seymour Hersh reported last week. Considering he doesn't give a shout out to Hersh until he's called out on it and doesn't give any new details, this guy's just plagiarizing Hersh's work so he can look important.
We don't like anonymous sources here, remember?
Why was the treasury involved in planning this? Something in this guy’s report is not the truth.
Think Federal Reserve-Central Banks.
Use the wind and turbine electricity they want us to use for those electric cars they want us to get to fry them. Problem is it won’t be enough.