posted ago by patriotic_legend ago by patriotic_legend +58 / -0

I am sure many of you have read about the Cochrane study on masks. What I find most interesting about it is that most of the msm sources do not denounce it. I googled "cochrane mask study"


The Atlantic - "Somehow, the science on masks still isn't settled" Slate - "Masks Cochrane review: There's still not strong evidence for masks"

The one that stuck out to me went the opposite way and trashed the Cochrane study.

"Yes, masks reduce the risk of spreading COVID, despite a review saying they don't"


Written by GAVI. Many of you are likely aware of GAVI, I was not. GAVI is the vaccine alliance. It's largest single donor is The Gates Foundation. I read GAVI's response above. It attempts to poke holes in Cochrane's methodology. It claims blind controlled studies are not always the best method (this made me laugh out loud). At the end of GAVI's weak attempts to discredit the study they simply write:

"There is strong and consistent evidence for the effectiveness of masks and (even more so) respirators in protecting against respiratory infections. Masks are an important protection against serious infections."

They make this blanket statement with zero sauce. No studies pointing to their conclusion.

My conclusion: We all know that masks do not stop the spread of airborne viruses. We also know that masks were needed to instill fear and make the plandemic look real. The fact that Gates supported GAVI is pro mask makes perfect sense. If your goal is to push "vaccines" you need mask policy. Without masking the sheep won't take the gene therapy.

Why is this important? We can reach the normies with this fact. Most middle of the road normies know masks are useless, we need to connect the dots for them as to why they were pushed. Once they realize this, it will be much easier for them to swallow the red pill that the jab was not created to save them. I convinced a jabbed and boosted friend of this yesterday. The next step is to get them to understand what the goal of the vax was/is. There are really only 3 possibilities:

  1. to make money
  2. control the population through medical mandates
  3. depopulation

My friend said he can believe 1 and 2. I told him if you believe 1 and 2, number 3 is not a big leap. Seed planted.