I agree. But this type of staging would take many hours of preparation. He disturbs the bottom of the bed to release the agent. This is clearly a concurrently corrupted water source. Given the time passed since corruption, occam' s razor is slicing towards external cause rather than dormant preexisting release.
Any number of substances would behave like oil on the surface of the water.
If you can't analyze the facts without emotion, you are going to deceive yourself.
If you let your self-deception enrage your passions, you are no better than a monkey, or worse, a puppet whose strings are easily pulled.
I agree. But this type of staging would take many hours of preparation. He disturbs the bottom of the bed to release the agent. This is clearly a concurrently corrupted water source. Given the time passed since corruption, occam' s razor is slicing towards external cause rather than dormant preexisting release.
It isn't clearly anything, and occams razor would suggest it is completely natural - the simplest explanation.
Testing for chemicals is not easy.