Is Fetterman a white hat plant?
I can envision the white hat conversation:
"Let's find the biggest retard on the planet and get him elected, to show how insane Democrats are and how much the cheat."
"Then, six weeks in, he checks himself into a mental hospital"..... white hat laughter
Maybe we need to tho. Our side is dealing w/ diabolical scumbags and I'm not sure we can win just by taking the higher ground. Some shady dealings gotta happen
Nothing in The Art of War says you have to take the high ground. Lying to the enemy, and many other types of subversion is taught. I'd be willing to bet the whitehats are using every dirty trick in the book on the cabal.
This is about winning at all costs, because losing is not an option if we intend to survive.
Exactly my thought. Know your enemy. Cabal is def using every dirty/illegal/immoral trick in the book and then some. The WHs have to counter, no matter how unpleasant. They're dealing with forces that have no values, no morals and no soul. There is no "play fair" in a battle this epic bc you're right....losing is not an option