If a “scientific study” took two years and cost several million dollars, how is that supposed to be “independently validated” by a group of volunteer peers? They would need another two years and an additional several million dollars to recreate the entire first study. And it would go right back to the bias of the corporation or organization paying for it. “Peer-review” doesn’t make any sense as a concept just looking at it on paper. You don’t even need any specific expertise to see through that.
If a “scientific study” took two years and cost several million dollars, how is that supposed to be “independently validated” by a group of volunteer peers? They would need another two years and an additional several million dollars to recreate the entire first study. And it would go right back to the bias of the corporation or organization paying for it. “Peer-review” doesn’t make any sense as a concept just looking at it on paper. You don’t even need any specific expertise to see through that.