If I was a big, massive, evil corporation, and I couldn't deny the truth ... almost seems like the next best way to hide it is to black-out the source(s) of said the truth ...
Wow... Disseminating this...
So I believe that now is time to scrutinize the Board and ED for Payoffs...Noting that those payoffs may not arrive for some time.....Dig Anons, Dig
Really a poorly executed hatchet job,,,, but we know who has a history of that don't we?
The board and Pizer thought they were doing this TO you but they were doing this FOR you. Within 6 months PV will be gone and you will in a much better situation. Take those great PV employees with you and do not give up control this time.
That speech show just how much of a class act James is and he explains how deceitful and disgraceful the Board are.
Shows you how corrupt Pfizer is. They need to be exposed.
If I was a big, massive, evil corporation, and I couldn't deny the truth ... almost seems like the next best way to hide it is to black-out the source(s) of said the truth ...
Wow... Disseminating this... So I believe that now is time to scrutinize the Board and ED for Payoffs...Noting that those payoffs may not arrive for some time.....Dig Anons, Dig Really a poorly executed hatchet job,,,, but we know who has a history of that don't we?
So someone ided the Chief of strategy, and we know who the ED is. Who else was on the board?
I’m listening and having to pause it and come back a few minutes later because my heart is breaking.
The board and Pizer thought they were doing this TO you but they were doing this FOR you. Within 6 months PV will be gone and you will in a much better situation. Take those great PV employees with you and do not give up control this time.
Could the board actually be that stupid?
Desperation and completed terror disable logical thinking.
I pity the board members, and the sudden leverage Pfizer must now have over them and their families....