Worldwide there was a decidedly de-consolidating result that appeared to affect the largest colonial country left which was Great Britain. This appears to have forced the British Crown to pivot into the "Commonwealth" which was defacto continued stealth colonization and control via British currency and/or installation of Central Banks in all former colonies. This may have been done to conceal the direct ownership of so much land by the British Royal Family, specifically the Queen; Also, note the resulting destruction of the British Pound as the world reserve currency which was long-in-the-tooth, but does not seem to be an optimal outcome for a British Royal family and their banker buddies that were supposedly in FULL CONTROL.
Overall, the effects of WW II appeared to be a "taking away" of lots of formerly British-controlled assets if one assumes that strong man Stalin (control of Eastern Europe) was a quasi-nationalist and MI-6 had not fully penetrated and taken control of the Secret Police/KGB until after Stalin's death on March 5, 1953 (age 74) [which may have been an assassination by the same MI-6].
Note that Stalin was first celebrated by Time magazine and New York Times (1920s-30s) while they thought he was a globalist puppet. But once he got off the chain (unknown date) they reviled him as an evil Totalitarian dictator (see similar treatment of Hitler).
I think this is relevant to NOW because it appears that the rest of the Commonwealth being dismantled is underway. Here is sauce from 2021 when Barbados left the Commonwealth and became and independent Republic: ;There are some breadcrumbs that Reagan and Thatcher were attempting to dismantle parts of the Commonwealth in the early 1980s, but their efforts got blocked/interrupted.
Pharaonic ruler colors of blue and gold in Commonwealth flags:
Barbados Flag is Interesting with some familiar colors:
Commonwealth Flag is Quite Interesting:
Nauru Flag has same colors:
Ukrainian Flag for comparison:
Additional parallel to NOW is the pending WW III which appears to be getting used to dismantle the US "debt dollar" as the world reserve currency AND dismantle US control of numerous countries worldwide that have had governments "installed" by the US via CIA/State Department operations (Ukraine being the prime example). Note the creation of BRIC and the nationalist-oriented alliance that is developing there to counter the US "debt dollar". BRIC by BRIC post:
This recent Substack article by PrussiaGate is probably one of their best articles and explains the current world financial system and ties together several of their other series. Past articles get into the background of Europe's Royal Families, including the British (Prussian) Crown, the founding and infiltration of the USA, creation of the WEF, etc. Apologies in advance if you've already read this: I stumbled onto them on their third article of their first series. Very compelling IMHO.
Thank you for this article. This one got me started on all of the rest or his articles. They should be a must read for all.
Thank you. It's a lot of reading but well worth it.
Nice sauce! ty.
Thanks. That entire Substack series is well sauced. There is so much material one could write an entire history curriculum off of it, and probably be the only one close to what actually occurred.