What Luciferase Tells Us About The End of Human Freedom
The COVID vaccines contain a secret ingredient that will start a global surveillance and control system.
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Yes, the U.S. government wants you injected with a vaccine even if it kills you. Yes, the U.S. government knows that these vaccines cause deadly myocarditis in your kids — and it doesn’t matter. Your death is a side-effect of the surveillance vaccines that the Biden regime can live with. You think you’re being forced to take an ineffective vaccine for COVID — but your government is not interested in the “failure” of those products because those products have a totally different and very secret purpose.
That’s why there’s no amount of medical data that can stop the vaccine campaign in America — safety studies and VAERS data are irrelevant to the bureaucrats at the CDC and the FDA because they are simply the front groups for this “whole of government” operation run by our intelligence community.
This realization about luciferase leads to another inevitable conclusion. The last two years of global tyranny — coerced injections and mask mandates and business lockdowns and school shutdowns — were also not an accident.
Those two years were a dry-run.
They were practice before the real game.
And the real game is about to begin.
Ah. Most Substacks (that I've seen) give you a "Continue reading" option on the subscription page that bypasses the need to subscribe; i.e., subscribing is optional.
Emerald Robinson is likely using this Substack to help replace the income from her former jobs as Chief White House correspondent at Newsmax and OANN (my conjecture).
Try this link:
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It's the same as what is posted above...her loss of our readership....
I had no problem... edit...same problem...
This absolutely supports all the info that has been coming out about the vaccines...this is it in a nutshell...we are in a movie all right and I am not sure people will be happy with the plot or the ending.
Mark of the beast
That's why people who got it put off a Bluetooth signal
They're gonna have a tracking system. It will be by land, by air and by sea. Heard someone say that a few years back. But most say it's a precursor, a opening act for the main event. Those people are just as deluded as the ones who took the poke despite all the warning signs. Why you might ask. Well it's simple, their ignorant of God's word. When God says remnant, He really means remnant.
It was something with the building #666 in NYC
happens to be the biggest ugliest big “black cube” sky scraper they are trying to “modernize” and destroy the skyline/our beautiful culture with.
Basically a big ugly black obelisk dick F U to the people. Wild stuff…
address is 666 Fifth Ave
Lucent Technologies researching RFID CHIPS
Through an operating system called “Inferno” apparently they are using it in conjunction w Covid