I was thinking about this as I sipped my coffee and considered the concept that we are watching a movie. Yes, we are.
When the movie is over, though, there won't be a list of credits, nor will there be a documentary about the script--because the WH's have had to allow the pain to be felt such that the Great Awakening could occur.
So, we'll be able to say, "See, it's what the Plan was all about," but we won't be supported by any actors who will validate the script.
Part of me is bummed about that. I want to stick it to the people who have doubted. But, the bigger part of me is able to transcend those selfish needs and simply know that I was part of a very special group of people--Anons and Frens--who played a unique role to help usher in the storm and to help others get through it.
Wise words, fren. Those who desire future vindication or bragging rights will be disappointed. When this is all over I expect there will be three groups of people:
Group A are anons, who were several steps ahead of everyone else the whole time. Not much surprises them over the next couple years.
Group B are the awakened masses, who only learned of the cabal by watching its spectacular destruction. They will remember this time as a sudden, scary flood of truth that washed over the world, seemingly out of nowhere. Many in this group will write off group A as crazy conspiracy theorists who happened to be right about a few things.
Group C are those who wall themselves off in denial. To their dying day they will doubt the truth, desperately clinging to a false reality they knew before. Zero hope of getting recognition from them.
That's ok though. We will all be grateful to ourselves for taking this path. God knows every struggle and sacrifice we endure.
Group D, cut from the same cloth as those thousands who claimed to be at Woodstock but weren't... Kek
You're right...a frustrating number will pretend like they were with us all along.
Well said. Based on the other comments here, the force is strong among Group A
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
-Arthur Schopenhauer
When it becomes self-evident no one will be thanking (or even remembering) those pushing the Truth early on. There will be no congratulations and no apologies.
This exactly.